
Easily convert from one object class to the next

MIT License



A simple conversion tool from one object type to the next


$ npm i convertify --save


// ES2015
import to from "convertify";

// CommonJS
const to = require("convertify");

// script
const to = window.convertify;

Or you can bring in individual functions:

// in this case toString, which is the same as to.string

// ES2015
import { toString } from "convertify";

// CommonJS
const toString = require("convertify").toString;

// script
const toString = window.convertify.toString;


const someObject = {
  foo: "bar"

// you can use the default method
const map = to("map", someObject); // Map {'foo' => 'bar'}

// or the convenience methods
const array = to.array(map); // ['bar']


Link here: API

to(convertTo: string, object: any)

The standard method accepts two parameters, the first being a string of the object class you wnat to convert the object to, and the second being the object itself. The valid object classes you can convert to:

  • array
  • boolean
  • date
  • error
  • function
  • generator
  • map
  • null
  • number
  • object
  • promise
  • regexp
  • set
  • string
  • symbol
  • undefined

These values are either the string value you pass in as the first parameter to to, or the shorthand method name for that specific conversion:

const stringifiedObject = to("string", object);

// is the same as

const alsoStringifiedObject = to.string(object);

The conversions themselves try to be smarter than the standard implicit conversions, so check out the API to learn more details about specific conversion results.


Standard stuff, clone the repo and npm i to get the dependencies. npm scripts available:

  • build => builds the distributed JS with NODE_ENV=development and with sourcemaps
  • build-minified => builds the distributed JS with NODE_ENV=production and minified
  • compile-for-publish => runs the lint, test, transpile, build, and build-minified scripts
  • dev => runs the webpack dev server for the playground
  • lint => runs ESLint against files in the src folder
  • prepublish => if in publish, runs compile-for-publish
  • test => run ava with NODE_ENV=test
  • test:watch => runs test but with persistent watcher
  • transpile => runs Babel against files in src to files in lib