
simple package to add and take parameters in the route with Iron-router

MIT License



simple package to add and take parameters in the route with Meteor


$ meteor add cottz:iron-query


Iron.query works exactly as a session but their values are stored in the route and depend of the route

Iron.query.set (key, value)

add or change the value of a key in the path

Iron.query.get (key)

gets the value of a key in the current path, if not sends key return an object with all the query keys

Iron.query.getNonreactive (key)

is exactly equal to Iron.query.get but non reactive (that description kills people)

UI Helpers

helpers available in the template

{{ ironQuery key }}

gets the value of a key in the current path, this helper uses Iron.query.getNonreactive because in most cases rerunning the helper in the template is not required

{{ ironQueryReactive key }}

is exactly equal to ironQuery but reactive (captain obvious help me)

Other utilities

Iron.query.wait(key, value)

add or change the value of a key in the path but without redirect


redirects to the path with the current keys object

to further clarify the above Iron.query.set is this

Iron.query.set = function (key, value) {
  this.wait(key, value);

Integration with iron router and fastRender

Iron Router - FastRender

Router.route('/home', {
    // with fastRender waiton is not very useful so I use subscriptions
	subscriptions: function () {
		var query = this.params.query;

		return [
			Meteor.subscribe('news', {
			  skip: Number(query.skip),
			  search: query.q
	fastRender: true

/* somewhere in the client-side */
Iron.query.set('skip', 10);
Iron.query.set('q', 'beautiful places');