
Google Apps Script custom functions for tracking crypto portfolios in Google Sheets

MIT License


Cryptfolio Scripts

A collection of Google Apps Script custom functions for tracking crypto portfolios in Google Sheets.

The price data is pulled using CoinGecko's API, and the token balances are obtained by making queries to various RPC servers like PublicNode.

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How to Use

  1. Obtain a CoinGecko Demo API by following the instructions
  2. Open the Cryptfolio template in Google Sheets.
  3. Click on "File", and then "Make a copy". This will create a copy of the template in Google Sheets.
  4. From the toolbar, click on "Extensions", and then on "Apps Script". You should be able to see the code now.
  5. Add the chains and tokens you want to track in the chainIDs and tokenData variables.
  6. Query the price data by running the GET_ALL_PRICES function.
  7. Use the GET_ERC20_BALANCE and GET_NATIVE_BALANCE functions to query your holdings in real-time.
  8. Calculate the USD value of your holdings by reading the local price data with INDEX and MATCH.


The GET_ALL_PRICES can only be run from within Apps Script. See the Custom Functions section below.


The template shows how to query balances for ARB, ETH, MKR, and OP, and how to calculate the values of the holdings:


I built this because I was frustrated with the existing solutions, which are either too complex, too expensive, or too unstable.

Cryptfolio is:

  • Free to use
  • Minimalist
  • DYI and easy to customize
  • Functional; it just works


This project is meant to be forked and customized to your needs. Here are two common use cases:


To track a new chain:

  • Add it in the Chains sheet in the spreadsheet.
  • Edit chainIds in


To track a new token:

  • List it in the Prices sheet in the spreadsheet. Ensure that the CRYPTO_IDS range got updated, too.
  • Edit the tokenData object in

Custom Functions

Here's a table with the custom functions enabled by this project.

The Read functions can be called from either Google Sheets or Apps Script, but the Write functions can only be run from within the Apps Script environment. This is because a custom function cannot affect cells other than those it returns a value to.

Function Type Params Description
GET_ERC20_BALANCE Read (chainID,symbol,account) Get the ERC-20 token balance of account on the chain with ID chainID
GET_EVM_NATIVE_BALANCE Read (chainID,account) Get the EVM native asset balance of account on the chain with ID chainID
GET_ALL_PRICES Write (fiat) Get the current fiat prices for all CRYPTO_IDS
GET_PRICE Write (crypto,fiat) Get the current fiat price for crypto


Feel free to dive in! Open an issue, start a discussion or submit a PR.


This project couldn't exist without the CoinGecko API. Thank you for providing such a valuable service for free!


This project is licensed under MIT.