
Fetch crypto price data from Coingecko in a format suitable for use in a Google Spreadsheet (via `ImportJSON`)



Simple vanilla js script to download crypto price data from Coingecko

Transforms it into a format that is designed to work well with the Google Sheets ImportJSON appscript.


Edit the symbols.txt file and put in Coingecko-compatible ids, which come from their coins/list API endpoint. 90% of the time the id is the same as the slug of their token urls, like "ethereum", but not always. Unfortunately I haven't found a good way to predict when it's not.

Then run the script. To import it into Google Sheets it needs to be publicly accessible, so you could run it on public-facing web server, or save it to a gist or val

./ > /var/www/html/crypto-prices.json

Then in your Google Sheet, try something like:

=ImportJSON("", "", "rawHeaders,noTruncate,noInherit")

which unfortunately ouputs things as two rows... you can combine them into a more usable 2-column layout with the TRANSPOSE() function

Could we fix this using a different structure for the JSON? it's a mystery



Pull requests welcome