
simple web app to help service professionals track their business/customers

MIT License


Client / Patient Tracker

A simple web app to help service professionals (i.e. lawyers, physicians) track how they acquire clients / patients. Said another way, this app helps professionals answer the question, "where do I get most my customers from?"



  • react 15
  • webpack 3
  • es6 via babel 6
  • css modules
  • eslint/standard & prettier for linting & code quality


  • node 8.1.6
  • express 4
  • firebase for db


  • check your node version; should be node v8.1.4
  • install yarn (npm install yarn -g)

Run locally

$ yarn install
$ yarn client
-> http://localhost:8080
$ yarn server


  1. colocate files, including CSS, tests, etc
  2. css modules should be imported via style-loader & css-loader
  3. JSX files have .jsx extension
  4. one component, one file
  5. dont block the event loop!

To do

  • redux
  • use static
  • add .env for env vars
  • react router
  • add historyApiFallback for HMR refreshes
  • authentication
  • conditional logic to form fields
  • proptypes, defaultProps, displayName
  • deploy to heroku
  • moar graphs!
  • loading spinner
  • fix package.json proxy setting
  • make fields required*
  • semantic markup
  • CSS preprocessor
    • add <fieldset> to forms
    • add <nav> <main> <header> <section> <footer>
  • add reset/normalize
  • do not nest within <span>
  • convert to border-box