
made-from-scratch react & webpack boilerplate w/ a11y in mind


made-from-scratch react boiler. with webpack & babel, yarn.

although create-react-app is great, sometimes you want a home cooked meal.


  • react 15
  • webpack 3
  • es6 via babel 6
  • CSS modules
  • Jest/Enzyme for testing
  • eslint/standard & prettier for linting & JS standards
  • lint-staged/husky for pre-commit lint checker


  • node 8.1.6
  • express 4

Run locally

  1. change the .env_sample file to .env
  2. change the apixu key... in lieu of xxxxxxxxx, add your own
  3. confirm you have yarn installed (npm install yarn -g)
  4. confirm you have node installed (node -v; fwiw, i have v8.1.4)
  5. do the following:
$ yarn install
$ yarn start
-> http://localhost:8080

For testing, we use Jest + Enzyme, type: $ yarn test


  1. colocate CSS
  2. css modules should be imported via style-loader & css-loader
  3. JSX files have .jsx extension
  4. one component, one file
  5. dont block the event loop!
  6. test coverage bro

To Do

  • see readme from nri repo
  • add redux
  • add react router 4
  • add logging & error handling (
  • less/sass/nextcss
  • css linter
  • loading spinner
  • fix package.json proxy setting
  • CSS/HTML: add reset/normalize
  • add JSDoc (see below)


 * Some description here about what this method does
 * @param {string} range - param 1 description
 * @param {Object} data - param 2 description
 * @return {Object} something - return value from this function