
Data bindings for Dojo


dbind is a functional reactive data binding package that provides straightforward binding of data to components like form inputs, validation connectors, and more. The dbind framework is designed to help you create organized, well-structured, layered applications, facilitating a clean separation between a data model with validation logic and presentation elements. It is also intended to be compatible with Dojo and bindr, giving you the full capabilities of the bindr reactive data binding language with Dojo and Dijit widgets.

Note that not all of the features described here are implemented and/or tested, this is a work in progress.

Getting Started

The foundational module of dbind is dbind/bind, which returns a function that gives you bindable objects. Usage is very simple, call bind with a target component and than indicate what object or property you want to bind to:

require(['dbind/bind'], function(bind){
	bind(anInputElement).to(myObject, "propertyName");

And just like that we have a two-way binding. The value from the object's property will be provided to the input. Any changes to the input will cause the object's property to be modified. We could even bind another element to this property to easily see the binding in action.

bind(myDiv).to(myObject, 'propertyName');

And the value of the property would be put in the div, and updated any time the input was changed.

We can also create a property binding that can encapsulate a single property, and be directly bound to components:

var myProperty = bind(myObject, 'propertyName');
// now we can bind components to this property

We can bind object properties to inputs, where the property value is synchronized with the input's value, and container elements like divs, where the property value is outputted to the element's inner text.

In addition we can also bind an object to a form. In this case, dbind will search through the form inputs and bind each one to the object's properties based on the input's "name" attribute. If you have a form that you wish to create with HTML, this makes it very easy to bind an object to it without directly referencing each input:


Dijit Components

With our bindings, we can easily use direct DOM elements or Dijit components interchangeably. For example, we could bind a Dijit TextBox to myProperty as well:

require(['dijit/form/TextBox', 'dbind/bind'], function(TextBox){
	var textBox = new TextBox({}, 'textbox');


We can also bind to functions to create a transformation for our binding. The function will be called with a value to convert, allowing us to continuously apply transformation to a source object. For example, we could create a functional transformation:

function double(x){
	return x * 2;
var doubledValue = bind(double).to(sourceValue);

Now doubledValue will contain the value equal to twice the value of sourceValue. This will remain true even as sourceValue varies in the future, doubleValue will continually stay in sync.

We can also bind a transformation function to multiple source objects:

function multiply(x, y){
	return x * y;
var productValue = bind(multiply).to([sourceValueA, sourceValueB]);


With dbind, we can do more than bind data to elements, we can also bind simple data objects to validation layers to compose more sophisticated data models, that can then be bound to UI elements. To bind to a validator, first we create a validator, giving it a validation definition (based on JSON Schema), and then we bind it to a property or object:

require(['dbind/bind', 'dbind/Validator'], function(bind, Validator){
	// create a validator and bind it to a property of myObject 
	var myProperty = bind(new Validator({type:"number", maximum: 20, minimum: 10})).
		to(myObject, 'propertyName');
	// now we can bind the validated property to an element

And now when a user enters a value that is not a number or doesn't fall in the given range it will be rejected.

The validator also gives us access to the error message so the UI can properly display information to the user on why the input is invalid:

bind(errorMessageElement).to(myProperty, 'error');

Any time an error occurs in validation, the errorMessageElement will automatically be updated with error message. This makes it easy to build coherent, manageable validated forms. The validation layer is distinct from the UI layer, and they can easily be wired together for responsive validated forms and UIs.

dbind Interfaces

dbind relies on several interfaces for connecting components. You can interact with these objects using the following API, or you can create your own implementations of the APIs. The bind() function returns bindable objects. Bindable objects have the follow method:

  • to(source, property?) - This binds this object to the provided source object. Any changes in the source object will be propagated to the bindable target object. If a property argument is provided, the target object will be bound to the property of the source object. We speak of changes coming from the source object as traveling up to the target. The target component may be UI component that can support editing, sending requested changes from the user down to the source.

  • is(value) - This is called to change the value of the target object from a downstream source.

The source object should be a reactive object. The bind() function generally returns objects that are also reactive. A reactive object represents a value that may change over time. The reactive object has a value at any given point in time, and may change to different values over time. It has the following methods:

  • then(callback) - This is called to get the value of the source object, both now and in the future. A function should be provided, and will be called with the current value of the source object, and called again each time it changes in the future. It is worth noting that a source object that is constant (value doesn't change) is the same as a promise, and can be provided to consumers that expect a promise.

  • put(value) - This is called to change the value of the source object from an upstream target component. This may be rejected. This method may be omitted if the source object can't be modified by upstream components.

Source objects may also be mappable; they can have properties. This is provided through the following methods:

  • get(property) - Returns a reactive object for the given property.

  • get(property, callback) - Shorthand for get(property).then(callback).

  • set(property, value) - Shorthand for get(property).put(value).

Composition of Binding-Driven Components


dbind is freely available under either the terms of the modified BSD license or the Academic Free License version 2.1. More details can be found in the LICENSE. The dbind project follows the IP guidelines of Dojo foundation packages and all contributions require a Dojo CLA.

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