
a component that hooks up value, onChange, and other props automatically by name/path

MIT License



import BindData from 'react-bind-data';

(work in progress) (WARNING: these docs are out of date...I was writing this hastily for work, and now that I've been using redux-form instead, I haven't maintained it well)

How it works

BindData recursively clones it children. For each that has a name prop, it injects value={data[name]} and an onChange handler that will call the BindData's onFieldChange prop. For each that has a bindDataProps prop, it will inject <key>={data[bindDataProps[<key>]]} and an on<Key>Change handler.

When nested components with name props are given, it treats them as a path and uses the value from data at that path. So in the following, BindData will inject value={_.get(data, ['address', 'city'])}:

<BindData data={data} onFieldChange={...}>
  <fieldset name="address">
    <input name="city" type="text"/>

This means it works naturally with forms. However, you can use it with any elements -- just put name or bindDataProps on those elements, even if they don't use those properties themselves.

Since it recursively clones its children, it can't look inside children that are higher order components. However, it doesn't prevent you from passing in props manually in cases where BindData is unable to do so itself.

More boilerplate/Redux integration

(coming soon)

Any time a bound component calls its onChange, BindData calls its onFieldChange with the path within data that was changed and the new value. This project will provide a cookie-cutter onFieldChange handler that dispatches Redux actions and Redux reducers that handle those events for POJO and Immutable.js state trees. There is also a BindDataSandbox component for testing your form during development that handles the state updates itself.


BindData will automatically inject value props from data, and (in this case) validation props from metadata.validation, based upon the path of name props.

It will also pass in onChange handlers to the inputs, and it will call onFieldChange. If the city of the first address is changed to 'Austin', for instance, it will call onFieldChange(['addresses', 0, 'city'], 'Austin').

  import React from 'react';
  import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

  import BindData from 'react-bind-data';

  let data = {
    name: {
      firstName: 'Andy',
      lastName: 'Edwards'
    addresses: [
        line1: '5 Five Way',
        city: 'Fivedom'
  let metadata = {
    validation: {
      name: {
        firstName: 'first name is OK!',
        lastName: 'last name is OK!'
      addresses: [
          line1: 'line1 is OK!',
          city: 'city is OK!'

  function onFieldChange() { console.log(...arguments); }

  ReactDOM.render(<BindData data={data} metadata={metadata} onFieldChange={onFieldChange}>
      <fieldset name="name">
        <input type="text" name="firstName" placeholder="First Name"/>
        <input type="text" name="lastName"  placeholder="Last Name"/>
      <fieldset name="addresses">
        <fieldset name={0}>
          <input type="text" name="line1" placeholder="Line 1"/>
          <input type="text" name="city"  placeholder="City"/>
  </BindData>, document.getElementById('root'));