
A deck.js presentation starter kit with Jade, CodeMirror, JavaScript / CoffeeScript and more goodness.


Deck.js Starter

A simple, opinionated starter kit for deck.js presentations.


Deck.js is a fantastic HTML-based approach to presentations. This project provides some basic Deck boilerplate, plugins and enhancements that I find really help quick authoring of presentations.


  • CodeMirror: Live JavaScript code sample execution.
  • CoffeeScript: Support for CoffeeScript code execution.
  • Jade Templates: Can optionally build using Jade
    (with Markdown) support.

You can see a live demo of the starter kit, or review / fork the source at the starter GitHub repository.

Installation / Use

The easiest way to start with the starter git is to download a tarball or fork the GitHub repository:

$ git clone my-presentation

To author using Jade, you will need Node.js installed, and to install the required packages:

$ cd my-presentation
$ npm install

From here, you can edit "index.jade" to add slides using either Jade or Jade with the Markdown enhancements (see source for demo on how to do this). Run the "watch" script to automatically build all of your changes into the final "index.html" file:

$ npm run-script watch

Or, you can do manual one-off builds:

$ npm run-script build


All code not otherwise specified is Copyright 2012 Ryan Roemer. Released under the MIT License.

deck.js is Copyright Caleb Troughton and dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.

The CodeMirror deck.js extension is Copyright Irene Ros and dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.

The mnml deck.js theme is Copyright Laurens Duijvesteijn and dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.

Included libraries:

  • jQuery: MIT and GPL
  • Modernizr: MIT and BSD
  • CoffeeScript: MIT