
Powerpoint for coders.

MIT License


Code Deck is a Yeoman generator for creating code-based slideshow presentations. It was built because HTML slideshows are awesome, but they take too long to make. With Code Deck, your project is automatically set up so you can focus on presenting great content.

Intro Video

View full screencast on Youtube


See an example of a presentation built with Code Deck.



  1. Once you have the "Prerequistes" installed, run npm install -g generator-code-deck to install the Code Deck Yeoman generator.
  2. cd to the directory where you want to generate your presentation.
  3. Run yo code-deck and answer the prompts.


  1. Replace src/images/logo.png with your own logo.
  2. Run grunt serve.
  3. Edit the data in src/data.js

Refer to the RevealJS documentation for more options.


Before using Code Deck, you need to install a few things if you don't have them already...

  1. Node: download
  2. Bower: npm install -g bower.
  3. Yeoman: npm install -g yo.
  4. Grunt: npm install -g grunt-cli.
  5. Sass: gem install sass.

If you run into any problems, you may need to use the sudo command or reclaim ownership of your .npm directory.


  • Yeoman generator for automatic customized presentation setup.
  • RevealJS for slide animations and functionality.
  • Grunt tasks for easy development and a shareable dist folder.
  • BrowserSync for live style and content injections during development.
  • Sass variables for easy branding/theming.
  • Handlebars templates for automatic slide creation from the data in src/data.js.
  • HighlightJS for easy code syntax highlighting inside of <pre><code> blocks.


  • Yeoman templates now include user's GitHub data out-of-the-box.
  • Added a screencast tutorial.
  • Added an example.
  • Providing example slide content in src/data.js.
  • Cleaning up and updating README.
  • Moving all content to the data object in data.js for easier editing.
  • Creating a section template which is re-used for each section object in data.js.
  • Public release

Built with ♡ by @trevordmiller.