
MIT License


Dependabot Automerge

Automatically merge your Dependabot PRs based on custom rules using a GitHub Actions cron job in its own repository.

Unlike other methods of automatic merging dependabot PRs which generally rely on another CI workflow, this template creates a single cron job for your entire organization. The benefits of this are:

  • A centralized codebase for Dependabot merging rules for your entire organization; you don't have to maintain rules in every repository
  • Decoupling Dependabot merging rules from the affected codebase; this avoids issues like CI/CD that may trigger on a Dependency merging rule change
  • Efficient use of GitHub Actions minutes - there is no polling and you could spend less than a minute in GitHub Actions minutes every 5 minutes in a large organization

Use the best strategy for your organization.


  1. "Use this template" - don't fork this repository
  2. Setup an NPM_TOKEN organization-wide GitHub action secret for your organization
    • If you use a different secret name, find and replace the secret in your new repository
  3. Update the config for the PR search query with your organization such as org:usds


This template is designed for customization. Customize the modules in src/ to satisfy the requirements of your organization.

Run continuously

If you'd like to run continuously on a machine and not use GitHub Actions, which has a 5-minimum minimum interval from cron jobs, you can do the following:

  1. npm link (optional) - to make the dependabot-automerge executable global
  2. while true; do dependabot-automerge; sleep 60; done to continuously run it with a 1 minute interval between runs