
Low ceremony super hero application deployment

ISC License



Low ceremony super hero application deployment

Setup and Starting

npm i deploygirl -g


deploygirl is quite silent by default. If you whish deploygirl to emit more logs set the environment variable DEBUG to deploygirl*


Anyone with an (in our case the) API Key can deploy and thus execute scripts using deploy scripts. We strongly recommend to set a real deploy key upon installation

To use a custom API key create a configuration file in /etc/deploygirlrc

  apiKey: 'ThisIsYourAPIKeyAndItsWorthToSpendSomeCharactersHere',


Deploygirl uses SSL by default. On every startup a (new) self signed certificate is created. To use a custom certificate create a configuration file in /etc/deploygirlrc and add the key and cert path of your SSL certificate.

  ssl: {
    // Uncomment these lines if you want to your own self signed certificate
    // deploygirl always starts a SSL server but creates a self signed certificate
    // on the fly if keyFile and certFile are not set

    // keyFile:
    // certFile:

See section "Configuration" for additional configuration options


If you plan to integrate deploygirl into some dashboard you'll probably need to configure CORS to get cross domain requests working.

Deploygirl is prepared!

  // CORS options. See for more options
  cors: {
    origin: false // Disable cors by default


Deploygirl uses rc ( under the hood to load configurations.

  • environment variables prefixed with deploygirl_
    • or use "__" to indicate nested properties (e.g. appname_foo__bar__baz =>
  • if you passed an option --config file then from that file
  • a local .deploygirlrc or the first found looking in ./ ../ ../../ ../../../ etc.
  • $HOME/.deploygirlrc
  • $HOME/.deploygirl/config
  • $HOME/.config/deploygirl
  • $HOME/.config/deploygirl/config
  • /etc/deploygirlrc
  • /etc/deploygirl/config

Default Configuration

  port: '3030',
  hostname: undefined, // Listen on all ports

  // API Key sent via basic auth
  apiKey: 'c3po',

  // Temporary deployment package upload directory
  uploadDir: os.tmpdir(),

  // Deployment working directory.
  // For every application a sub directory is created.
  deployDir: path.join(__dirname, '..', '.deployments'),

  // CORS options. See for more options
  cors: {
    origin: false // Disable cors by default

  ssl: {
    // Uncomment these lines if you want to your own self signed certificate
    // deploygirl always starts a SSL server but creates a self signed certificate
    // on the fly if keyFile and certFile are not set

    // keyFile:
    // certFile:


All API requests require authentication using a configured API key. The API key may be passed as basic auth or as url parameter. Deploygirl listens by default on port 3030 on all interfaces!

curl https://localhost:3030/applications?key=c3po --insecure

is equivalent to

curl https://whateverusername:c3po@localhost:3030/applications --insecure

Curl option --insecure is used since we used self signed certificates.


GET /applications Gets a list of application ids

PUT /applications/:applicationId Creates a new application with id :applicationId

GET /applications/:applicationId Gets detail for one application with id :applicationId

GET /applications/:applicationId/deployments Gets a list of deployments for an application including deployment state.

POST /applications/:applicationToCreate/deployments Creates a new deployment. A multipart form-data request is expected including one arbitrary named tar gz file containing the deployment package.

Deployment Package

Deploygirl expects a directory named .deploy containing a file named deploy.* (sh, cmd, whatever) that is executed by deploygirl in a directory containing the extracted untared deployment package.

See example/bash for more detail.