
DocumentDB wrapper with automatic indexing


documentdb-client Build Status

Convenience module for wrapping a DocumentDB collection with automatic indexing.


const DB = require('documentdb-client')
const db = DB({
  databaseId: 'my-documentdb',
  host: '',
  masterKey: 'q7dMeDOhIUASP2GtWRPnrbZ6K7IO91AgaYiOCsvImmoUJKRSTjI7CNf0mEehGh4czRo17yED5AmPN1wERf367=='

const coll = db.createCollection('my-collection')
const data = { some: 'value' }
coll.put('1234', data, function (err, result) {
  coll.get(, function (err, result) {
    if (!err) console.log('.get() OK', JSON.stringify(result, null, 2))


const db = DB(options)

Creates a DocumentDB client where options take the following properties:

  • databaseId (string) database id
  • host (string) database host
  • masterKey (string) database master key
  • idProperty (string, optional) the id property of the data, defaults to 'id'
  • consistencyLevel (string, optional) consistency level, defaults to 'Strong'

The database will be created if it doesn't exist.

const coll = db.createCollection(id)

Returns a Collection object. Creates the collection if it doesn't exist.

coll.put(id, data, cb)

Stores data document with id. On success, calls back with the same JSON document with additional meta data properties set by DocumentDB.

Example of meta data properties:

  "key1": "value1",
  "key2": "value2",
  "id": "AGJMqmtbTVarTf",
  "_rid": "Mwl6APp1TAAXBBBBBB==",
  "_self": "dbs/Mwl6AA==/colls/Mwl6APp1TAA=/docs/Mwl6APp1TAAXBBBBBB==/",
  "_etag": "\"00000800-0000-0000-0000-5744210b0000\"",
  "_attachments": "attachments/",
  "_ts": 1464082697

If put is called with data and data._self exists then the document will be updated with the new data.

coll.upsert(id, data, cb)

Atomic create/update. This is to be preferred over .put() which is for backwards compatibility.

coll.get(id, cb)

Gets a document from a collection. Calls back with data stored at id.

coll.delete(id, cb)

Deletes a document from a collection.

coll.query(q, opts, cb)

A simplified query mechanism that builds a sql query based on properties of q. If you want more control use .sqlquery() which takes custom query objects.

  • q object with properties to query for
  • opts object
  • opts.orderby order based on this property
  • opts.sortby sort by ascending ('asc') or descending ('desc'), default is 'asc'
  • opts.limit limit the results
  • opts.offset offset of limited results

Get all documents with the property foo set to 'bar', limit the results to 10 and offset 10.

coll.query({ foo: 'bar' }, { LIMIT: 10, OFFSET: 10 }, cb)

The query object supports a simple way of quering for multiple values.

Get all documents with foo set to 'bar' or 'baz' with ts less than 1478008742351.

coll.query({ foo: [ 'bar', 'baz' ], ts: 'lt(1478008742351)' }, cb)

Supported operators:

  • '=' equality (default)
  • '<' less than, lt(314)
  • '<=' less than or equal, lte(314)
  • '>' greater than, gt(314)
  • '>=' greater than or equal, gte(314)

coll.sqlquery(query, cb)

Queries a collection using an SQL query.

Example of a query using the document id:

const query = {
  query: 'SELECT * FROM root r WHERE = @id',
  parameters: [{ name: '@id', value: id }]
