
🐳Create and manage users who can only deploy specific dokku apps (via docker)



Manage users with very restricted permissions to push to a set of apps on a dokku server.

DISCLAIMER: I am not an expert on unix security or docker. If you use this, you do so at your own risk. I recommend doing your own security audit on all of this. If you do find any security issues, please email [email protected] with the subject line "dokku-ci-user - security vulnerability" and I will attempt to respond promptly.

Setting Up Dokku

Set up and make sure you add the SSH key that's in ~/.ssh/

Add the following to ~/.ssh/config (using the IP of your new digital ocean server):

Host dokku
  User root

Connect to the box by running ssh dokku and then:

  1. Install node: apt install nodejs
  2. Install npm: apt install npm
  3. Install docker-over-ssh: npm install -g docker-over-ssh dokku-ci-user (you should also install docker-over-ssh locally)

Set-up CI user:

  1. create CI user adduser ci
  2. give it permission to run docker commands usermod -aG docker ci
  3. give it permission to run dokku commands
    1. run VISUAL=vim visudo
    2. Add ci ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:SETENV: /usr/bin/dokku to the bottom of the file

Managing Users

To create a user from a public key, with access to app1 and app2, run:

cat | ssh dokku "dokku-ci-user add:user --name my_user_name --app app1 --app app2"`.

For all other user management, run ssh dokku and then run dokku-ci-user --help for a list of commands.

Authenticating as the user

To run a command as the user, simply run ssh -i key ci@dokku "COMMAND HERE IN QUOTES" where key is the name of the private key you used to create the user.

Command Whitelist

The whitelisted commands are

  • docker-over-ssh pull dokku/APP_NAME:VERSION - where APP_NAME is one of the apps the user has permission for, and VERSION can be any alphanumeric string.
  • docker tag dokku/APP_NAME1:VERSION1 dokku/APP_NAME2:VERSION2 - where APP_NAME1 & APP_NAME2 are one of the apps the user has permission for, and VERSION1 & VERSION2 can be any alphanumeric string.
  • dokku tags:deploy APP_NAME VERSION - where APP_NAME is one of the apps the user has permission for, and VERSION can be any alphanumeric string.
  • docker version
  • dokku version

This is enough to safely deploy docker containers, without granting the user permissions to see/interact with the other apps on your dokku system.