

An example Dokku Parse Server

This repo contains a simple example of setting up a Dokku Parse server.

Pre-deployment setup.

You first need to install the dokku MongoDB plugin by running:

> dokku plugin:install mongo

Once installed, you can create your app and database and link them:

> dokku mongo:create parsedb
> dokku apps:create parse
> dokku mongo:link parsedb:parse

You will now have a MONGO_URL environment variable. Set up other environment variables too:

> dokku config:set parse APP_ID=<APP_ID>
> dokku config:set parse APP_SECRET=<APP_SECRET>
> dokku config:set parse APP_URL=<APP_URL>

You don't need to set the port here, Dokku will do this for you.


Now clone this directory and then type:

> git remote add dokku [email protected]:parse
> git push dokku master

After a couple of minutes you will be able to access your parse instance via http(s)://

Bonus round: Lets Encrypt

It's really easy to add SSL to your Parse server, just install the Dokku LetsEncrypt plugin

> dokku plugin:install
> dokku config:set --no-restart myapp DOKKU_LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=<EMAIL>
> dokku letsencrypt myapp

Dokku on Digital Ocean

If you don't have Dokku set up, it's really easy to do on Digital Ocean on one of their $5/m plans. Instructions are easy to follow.