

Ember CLI Linker

The Linker is the soon to be resolution phase for the Ember CLI build process. Its primary concern is resolving dependencies in a project and outputing a tree that represents the dependency graph. This tree would then be passed to the Packager that allows for declarative concatenation strategies. The resolution occurs via dependency resolvers. Out of the box the pre-packger has 3 dependency resolvers, addon, npm, and esnext, however the resolvers are dynamically looked up which creates a nice charateristic of modularity for resolving different types.

High Level Design

The input to the linker is an array of trees. The build step prior to the linker simply discovers the app and addons in your project transpiles them to amd. As a result of this it should leave a dep-graph.json per package in the output tree.

Instead of re-parsing all of the files in the tree to construct a dependency graph we take advantage of the fact that babel can give us a map of all of a packages dependencies. This map looks something like the following:

  "example-app/app.js": {
    "exports": {
      "exported": [],
      "specifiers": []
    "imports": [
        "imported": [
        "source": "ember",
        "specifiers": [
            "imported": "default",
            "kind": "named",
            "local": "Ember"
        "imported": [
        "source": "ember-resolver",
        "specifiers": [
            "imported": "default",
            "kind": "named",
            "local": "Resolver"
        "imported": [
        "source": "ember-load-initializers",
        "specifiers": [
            "imported": "default",
            "kind": "named",
            "local": "loadInitializers"
        "imported": [
        "source": "example-app/config/environment",
        "specifiers": [
            "imported": "default",
            "kind": "named",
            "local": "config"

This gives us enough information to enter into a resolution phase.

Resolution of addons

The algorithm for resolving and syncing files into the output tree is as follows:

  1. Sync forward all of the entry's files.
  2. Map over the imports syncing the file to the output tree
  3. Read in the import's corresponding dep-graph.json for the import in the
    interaction grabbing its imports (transitives).
  4. Back to 2 with the imports (transitives) and continue till all of the
    entries imports have been synced.

Resolution of ES2015 Modules

With addons, we know all of the addon namespaces in which modules could come from. For example import ago from 'ember-moment/helpers/ago'; is going to come from the ember-moment addon. This allows us to make a clear delineation between if an import is an addon or not. In the case that the import is not an addon, we take the modules namespace and use the module resolution algorithm to see if a package exists for the namespace. If there is we then further check for the "jsnext:main" convention in its package.json. If both of those cases are true we know we are dealing with an ES6 module.

Using Babel we compile the file. At the end of each compilation we are given the same import/export data structure and we then use that to recurse to resolve the graph.

Resolution of legacy npm modules

In the event the application is using "legacy" JavaScript modules a la CJS, they should be prefixed with npm: when they are used in the addon or application.

The way legacy modules are resolved is different. Since we cannot construct a dep-graph.json ahead of time, we rely on browserify's ability to handle this for us. Since there is a probability that addons or apps may pull in the same legacy module we wait till the resolution of addons is complete. This allows for the stub amd files to be aggregated and deduped.

The cache key here is layered from least expensive to most expensive:

  • If we have never seen the module we build
  • If we've seen the module but the stubs are different we build
  • Finally, if the hashed contents of the module are different we build

This strategy allows for imports from the same module to be added/removed/swapped and the built module to retain the parity of the graph.