Explore Filecoin's storage market and analyze the cost of storing your files.

MIT License


FilStats is a quick hack to visualize the Filecoin Storage Deal market. It retrieves data from the Filscan RPC endpoint, runs a few calculations to display on the front-end, and tosses the data into a Redis cache with a 1hr ttl.

Run locally

FilStats is built with NextJS (and their Serverless functions on Vercel).

  1. Copy .env.sample to .env and add in your Redis URL.
  2. Install dependencies with yarn and run with yarn run dev.


This is a quick hack put together in 1-2hrs so nothing fancy:

  1. components/Layout has a parent wrapper containing Meta + global styling.
  2. pages/index.js has the data element boxes
  3. pages/api/collect.js has the endpoint to either retrieve data from cache, or calculate and add to cache (first load).
  4. pages/api/meta.js uses puppeteer to generate meta images with embedded $/GB values on the fly.


MIT, go wild.