
perform actions before and after an operation

MIT License



Perform work before and/or after an operation.


This is not meant to be used as async flow control, but is merely a way to dynamically upgrade the functionality of getters and setters.

This also means that errors will not stop the chain of events here, you must specifically cancel the current layer in order to avoid performing the core action.

Learn by example

The basic operation of filterchain goes something like this:

var chain = require('filterchain').createChain([
  function(data, next, cancel) {
    // forward to the next layer
  } // you can add more functions here

chain('initial data', function(data) {
  console.log(data); // outputs 'override'

and here is the outer api

// Create a chain with no layers and no core function
var chain = filterchain.createChain(/* layers */, /* core */);

Where chain is a function that accepts an optional data and a optional callback with the arguments errors and data. The callback is called after the filter chain has been executed.

data can be any javascript value

// Excerpt to show what the chain callback looks like.
// `errors` is either null (no errors) or an array
chain('some optional data', function(errors, data) {})

And layers is an array of functions

var chain = require('filterchain').createChain([
  function(data, next, cancel) {

    // just forward the data, this is basically a no-op
], core);

next is a function with the signature next(data[, bubbleFunction]) cancel is a function with the signature cancel([error])

And core is the function that will be run after the capture phase but before the bubble phase. The core method should accept data and fn.

var chain = require('filterchain').createChain([], function(data, fn) {

  // send the incoming back the same way it came
  if (data === true) {
    fn(null, 'tricked ya!')
  } else {


chain(true, function(errors, data) {
  console.log(data); // outputs: 'tricked ya!'

chain(false, function(errors, data) {
  console.log(errors[0]); // outputs: 'error!'
  console.log(data); // outputs: undefined

What (else) does it do?

In a sense, filter chains are similar to onions. Passing data into the outer husk causes it to flow down through each layer toward the core. Each function (aka: layer) along the path as a chance to either manipulate or validate the data before forwarding it onto the next layer or canceling it.

Manipulate and forward data

var chain = require('filterchain').createChain([
  function(data, next, cancel) {

    // ignore the incoming data and forward something more
    // to our liking
    next('pass this along');

chain(function(errors, data) {
  console.log(data);  // outputs 'pass this along'

Cancel + bubble

Cancelling causes the flow of the chain to be reversed immediately.

var chain = require('filterchain').createChain([
  function(data, next, cancel) {

    // the first argument to cancel is an optional error.  The error
    // will be collected and sent to the final callback for processing
    cancel('fat chance');
], function(data, fn) {

  // this is never called
  fn('some other thing');

chain(function(errors, data) {
  console.log(errors[0]); // ouputs 'fat chance'

Post process data

Passing a function as the second argument to next will cause the filter chain to call that method during the bubble phase

var fc = require('filterchain');
var chain = fc.createChain([
  function(data, next, cancel) {
    next(data, function(data, done) {
      // You can return a value here or perform
      // an async operation and send the result through done
      done(null, data + ' + post processing')

chain('initial value', function(errors, data) {
  console.log(data); // outputs 'initial value + post processing'

The first argument to done is an error and the second is the data that will be bubbled back out to the outer husk of the filter chain.

Compose filter chains

var inner = require('filterchain').createChain([
  function(data, next) {
    next(data + ' (inner capture ->', function(outgoingData, done) {
      done(null, outgoingData + ' inner bubble)');
], function(data, fn) {
  fn(null, data + '[inner core] ->')

var outer = require('filterchain').createChain([
  function(data, next) {
    next(data + 'outer capture ->', function(outgoingData, done) {
      done(null, outgoingData + ' outer bubble');
  inner, // add a filterchain into the filterchain.. oh my!

], function(data, fn) {
  fn(null, data + ' [outer core] ->')

outer('run: ', function(errors, data) {
  // outputs: 'run: outer capture -> (inner capture ->[inner core] -> inner bubble) [outer core] -> outer bubble'

Contrived Use Cases

User creation example

var createUser = require('filterchain').createChain([
  function unique(username, next, cancel) {
    db.exists({ username : username }, function(err, result) {
      if (err) {
      } else if (result === true) {
        cancel('sorry, that username already exists')
      } else {
], function(data, fn) {{ username : username }, fn);

createUser('tmpvar', function(errors, data) {
  console.log(errors[0]); // outputs 'sorry, that username already exists'

createUser('tmpvar-not-taken', function(errors, data) {
  console.log(errors); // outputs null
  console.log(data); // outputs '{ _id : 2, username: "tmpvar-not-taken" }'

Calculated attributes in backbone

note: this is purely conceptual

var Rectangle = Backbone.Model.extend({
  initialize : function() {
    this.calculatedAttributes = {
      area : filterchain.createChain(function(data, fn) {
        // Not only is the return value calculated, but you
        // can add filters and post processing to your values.
        // Simply add filters to the chain during creation or
        // chain.layers.push(function(data, next, cancel) {});

        fn(data.width * data.height);
  get : function(key) {
    var that = this;

    if (this.calculatedAttributes[key]) {
      this.calculatedAttributes[key](that.toJSON(), function(result) {
        value = result;

      if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {
        return value;

    // fall back to the default backbone behavior
    return, key);

var a = new Rectangle({ x: 10, y : 4 });
console.log(a.get('area')); // outputs '40'



npm install filterchain


works with a plain ol' script tag and access it via window.createChain