
A framework for writing truly modular JavaScript

MIT License



ModJS is a javascript framework that utilizes the Module, Factory, and Mediator patterns to be a base for projects that allows for the quick integration of complex, scalable, and application level javascript without starting from scratch. There are four tiers to the framework which allows for better seperation of code and a more scalable architecture. The four levels are:

  • Base: This layer is currently jQuery, but it could be replaced by any JS library used for cross-browser normalization and utility functions. However it is very important to know that the only other layer that has access to the Base layer is the Core layer. This allows for easy decoupling of the Base layer, making it interchangable and the framework itself more versitile and reusable.
  • Core: This layer is the actual core of the framework. It contains all utitity functions such as dom functions, and assistive functions such as array checks, mapping, and any other functions that are used to assist in faster development of JS. It is the only layer that can communicate with the Base layer, and it also works with the Sandbox layer.
  • Sandbox: This layer is responsible for all communication between a Module and the Core. It's only job is to pass along data and send out notifications to the rest of the modules and inform the Core layer of any work that needs to be done.
  • Module: This layer is responsible for small sections of the application that are independent pieces of functionality. An example would be Twitter. The tweets feed is one module, search is another module, and posting a tweet is another module. All other modules should be independent of each other and the addition or removal of a module should have no affect on any other part of the application (site).


Every method in the framework is documented and available with examples and whether or not the function should be used publicly. For documentation simple navigate to "path/to/project/docs/" in your browser and the full documentation will be available to you. ( Documentation created using YUIdoc )

Working Example

To see the framework in action simply download the project and navigate to "path/to/project/" in your browser. The example searches Instagram for the specified hashtag and displays recent images with that tag

Why is it useful?

By decoupling all the layers of the application you can drop in your modules from previous projects and with minor updates you will already have large chunks of functionality at your disposal. You could also change out the jQuery base layer with your tool of choice and with only editing about 15 functions still be able to use all of your previous modules because the sandbox layer never has to change. It makes projects infinitely scalable by 1) seperating business logic into neat little packages, greatly decreasing the potential for unforseen issues caused by altering code ( we have all experienced the domino effect, you make one change and suddenly ten other functions need to be updated ), and 2) seperating the core of the application from a third-party library making the framework super-adaptable to any project.


If you would like to contribute to this project:

  • Fork the repo
  • Check out develop branch
  • Create new feature or issue branch with name of task or recommended change
  • Make changes
  • Push new branch to origin
  • Add a new merge request with a detailed explaination of the changes you made

Once the changes are reviewed they will either be added or the merge request will be closed.

Code Best Practices and Standards

All functions must be commented in detail

This should include any parameters passed in, what the function does, and what it returns. Here is an example of a commented utility function:

 * @description       check to see if object is an array
 * @param  {unknown}  arr
 * @return {Boolean}  true or false
 * @method          is_array
 * @private
MOD.core.util.is_array = function( arr ) {
   return ( typeof arr === 'object' && ( arr ) === '[object Array]' ) ) ? true : false;

All statements must be properly terminated


var employee = new Person({
    name: 'John Doe',
    age: 27,
	occupation: 'Developer'

greetEmployee( )


var employee = new Person({
	name: 'John Doe',
	age: 27,
	occupation: 'Developer'

greetEmployee( );

Notice the semi-colons at the end of each statement


var employee = new Person({
			name: 'John Doe',
			age: 27,
			occupation: 'Developer'

greetEmployee = function( name ) {
	alert( 'Hello, ' + name + '! Glad to have you on board!' );

greetEmployee( );

Spacing and Indentation

Function parameters should be spaced at the beginning and end, and after commas. Example:

function useSpaces( param1, param2 ) {
    window.console.log( 'I use spaces in my paramters for visual cleanliness.' );

useSpaces( param1, param2 );

When writing functions it is important to group similar items and to use proper indentation. Every inner operation should indent one more tab set than its parent element. Variables should be grouped together and different operations should have a line of space around them. Example:

var options = select.options,
        i = 0,
        len = options.length;

for ( ; i < len; ) {

    //add a class to each item
    if ( options[ i ].selected === true ) {

        return options[ i ].value;

    // increment our counter
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