
An extended Flux implementation to build isomorphic javascript React app.

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An extended Flux implementation to build isomorphic javascript React app.


All in one Starter

Everything in React

Minimal context APIs

To understand Flux, you only need to learn these APIs: this.executeAction(), this.getStore(), this.dispatch() !

  • this.executeAction() or this.getStore(name) in components.
  • this.dispatch() or this.executeAction() or this.getStore(name) in actions.
  • this.emitChange() or this._get() or this._set() in stores.
  • [CORE] Super lightweight, less than 250 lines of code.
  • [CORE] Context based flux system.
  • [CORE] React Server side rendering + client mount.
  • [CORE] HTML as top level react component, no need container.
  • [EXTRA] express middleware to serve the fluxex application.
  • [EXTRA] full integrated gulp task for development.
  • [EXTRA] pjax support.
  • [EXTRA] rpc and api call support.

See the FluxEx Magic

  • Check example projects you can see how fluxex do server side rendering + context deliver + Full HTML react rendering!
  • No more index.html. Start with npm:express and your Html.jsx!
  • No more AJAX, all http request by npm:request!

Start from Scratch

Read Start from Scratch to know how to create a fluxex application!

Quick Start

Prepare your project

npm init
npm install fluxex

Use the Starter template


Start the Server

node_modules/.bin/gulp develop
  • Connect to http://localhost:3001/search?q=pizza
  • You can start your development now, gulp handled everything (jshint, browserify, nodemon, restart, browser-sync).
  • Put your actions, stores and components into correspond directories.
  • Edit components/Html.jsx to include your React components.
  • Edit actions/routing.js to add routing.
  • Edit fluxexapp.js to add your store.

Difference with Flux

FluxEx is context based flux implemention. Server side react rendering can be done easy when the flux is scoped under a request based context. Store and dispatcher are singletons in Facebook flux, but in fluxex they are not.

var myApp = require('fluxex').createApp({
    product: require('./stores/product')
}, process.cwd() + '/components/Html.jsx');
// inside a component, requires Fluxex.mixin
onStoreChange: function () {
    return this.getStore('myStore').getSomething();
handleClick: function () {
// myAction
var myAction = function (payload) {
    ... do your tasks ....
    return this.dispatch('UPDATE_SOMETHING', ....); // this returns a promise
var myStore = {
    // the dispatch will happened after these stores be dispatched
    waitFor: {
        UPDATE_SOMETHING: ['oneStore', 'anotherStore']

    // handle this.dispatch('UPDATE_SOMETHING', ....)
    handle_UPDATE_SOMETHING: function (payload) {
        this._set('data', payload); // There are ._get() and ._set() in all stores

Notes for IE8 support

  • NOTE React v15+ stop supporting IE8
  • You should add require('fluxex/extra/polyfill-ie8'); in your fluxexapp.js to polyfill EventListener methods and XMLHttpRequest consts for IE8.
  • catch is reserved keyword in IE8, you need to replace somePromise.catch(...) with somePromise['catch'](...)
  • for (... in ...) will loop beyond properties in IE8, you need to replace for (I in myArray) with myArray.forEach(function (V, I) { ...}

IE8 Unsupported features

  • window.history.pushState
  • set innerHTML of script or title node
  • compare prototype.constructor with another function
  • console and console.log when developer tool not opened