

React component lifecycle


  • constructor()
  • static getDerivedStateFromProps()
  • dep: componentWillMount() - only run 1 time
  • rennder() - is the only required method in a class component.
  • componentDidMount() - run only 1 time, makinng AJAX request


  • static getDerivedStateFromProps()
  • dep: ComponentWillReceiveProps(nextProps)
  • shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState)
  • dep: componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState)
  • render()
  • getSnapshotBeforeUpdate()
  • componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState)


  • ComponentWillUnmount() - clearInterval()



  • httpie - is a command line HTTP client that will make you smile.
  • brew install httpie
  • cURL - программа позволяющая взаимодействовать с множеством различных серверов по множеству различных протоколов с синтаксисом URL.
  • culr request from terminal: curl localhost:8082


  • Imutable!

  • In a React component, props are variables passed to it by its parent component.

  • Props should never be changed in a child component, so if there’s something going on that alters some variable, that variable should belong to the component state.

  • Props are also used to allow child components to access methods defined in the parent component. This is a good way to centralize managing the state in the parent component, and avoid children to have the need to have their own state.

The parent can pass a prop by using this syntax:

	<ChildComponent color=green />


  • State on the other hand is still variables, but directly initialized and managed by the component.
  • The state can be initialized by props.
  • State is always passed from a parent down to a child component as a prop.
  • State should not be passed to a sibling or a parent.
  • State should be owned by 1 component.
  • Don't duplicate props to state.
	class MyClass extends React.Component {
			this.state = { ... }


A collection of the children inside of a component ...

class Row extends React.Component {
	render() {
		<div style ={{
			display: 'flex',
			flexDirection: 'row',
			justyfyContent: 'space-around',
		{this.props.children} // has element p, div, h1 
class App extends React.Component {
				<p>First Element </p>
				<div>Second Element </div>

setState is Asynchronous

The correct way to change state in your application. All changes to this.state should be pure.

	this.state = {color: 'red'};

	this.setState({ color: 'blue'});

// or Update Function 

	this.setState((prevState, props) => {
		return {
			color: prevState.color + 'blue'

	this.setState( (prevState) =>{
		let newState ={
			//change state 
		return newState;

Pure Function

  • A function with no side effects.
  • It does not modify its inputs
  • It's repearable (same inputs, same outputs )
function doubleVals(arr){
	return => v * 2 ); //not change arr

let person = {id: 1, name: "Roman"};
function addJob(presonObj, job){
	return Object.assign( {}, personObj, {job});
//  return {...personObj, job};
addJob(person, "Student");

Stateless Functional Components

  • Components implemented using a function not a class
  • The funciton implements the render method only: no constructor, no state;
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

const Greeting = props => ( <h1> Hello, {} </h1>);
export default Greeting;

Greeting.propTypes = {
	name: PropTypes.string

React 16 can return an array of JSX elements or a string, not need extra wrapper

	return [
		<div key='a'> One </div> 
		<div key='b'> Two </div> 

Error Boundary, error handing in react 16

Запроваджена нова система обробки помилок. Тепер, якщо в компоненті виникає помилка, можна застосувати метод життєвого циклу componentDidCatch.

class Map extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = { hasError: false }

  componentDidCatch(error, info) {
    this.setState(() => { hasError: true })

  render() {
    if (this.state.hasError) {
      return <h1>На жаль, сталась прикра помилка.</h1>
    return <MapContent />;


Fiber — це нова архітектура, що покладена в основу React 16. Алгоритм полягає у розбитті процесу оновлення на дві фази: Фаза узгодження (reconciliation) — коли виконуються переобрахунки компонентів і відбувається оновлення DOM у пам’яті. Фаза внеску (commit) — коли виконується безпосереднє оновлення DOM.


onClick = { () => this.setState( {name: Roman} ) }

this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this)

	this.setState(( prevState, props ) => ({
onClick = { this.handleClick }


<form onSubmit = { (e) => {
	const data = [, this.state.inputText];
	this.setState( {data, inputText: ''});>

		onChange = { (e) => { this.setState({inputText : }) }} />
	<button onSubmit= { } > Save </button> 



Use an uncontroled input component. A direct reference to a DOM element Managing focus, text selection, or media playback Integrating with third-party DOM libraries

<form onsubmit = { (e) => { e.preventDefault() 
}} >
		ref= { (input) => this.inputText = input } />

Here is a very simple way to shuffle array with JS:

var points = [40, 100, 1, 5, 25, 10];
points.sort(function(a, b){return 0.5 - Math.random()});

Correct way to use emojis in React

<span role='img' aria-label='heart'>

Problems with port

There is a problem: server running on port 8081, react app on port 3000. To fix: need to specify server port inside package.json file, adding:

"proxy" : "http://localhost:8081",

HTML5 history object

using Ract our server return always index.html page with only div id="root"

history.pushState({}, 'title', '/newpage');

React Router

React Router v4(March 2017) a library to manage routing in your single page application

BrouserRouter - requires server site support

  • '/'
  • '/user'
  • '/user/57493/massages'

HashRouter - does not required server support

  • '/#'
  • '/#user
npm install --save react-router-dom

Redux – a popular state management library

Action - this is a playn js object, must have a key called type and a string value

	type: "LOGOUT_USER"

Reducer - a function that accept the state and an action and returns a new state(entire state object ) We cannot make a store without a reducer! Reducer is a function that determines what our state looks like and how we change the state;

function rootReducer (state={}, action){
		case "LOGOUT_USER":
			return {...state, login: false }
		case "LOGIN_USER":
			return {...state, login: true }
			return state;

Store - one big js object represent state in our application To create Store use createStore function wich accepts the root reducer as a parameter

const store = Redux.createStore(rootReducer);

const store = Redux.createStore(rootReducer);
	type: "LOGIN_USER"

// to get state
const newState = store.getState();

You can add a listenr to see when the state has changed

const changeCallback = () => {
	console.log("State has changed", store.getState());
// to cancel subscribe 
const unsubscribe = store.listen(changeCallback);

Redux Derictorty Structure

  • src
    • actions
    • components
    • containers
    • reducers
  • index.js

Data flow in React Redux


  • createStore -> rootReducer
  • mapStateToProps -> inside React Component, gives new Redux State
  • render -> inside React Component
    change Redux store, using function dispatch
  • rootReduxer -> when dispatch action
  • mapStateToProps -> insinde React Component, gives us new Redux State
  • render -> component

Every time when you using connect function you can use dispatch method

to use dispatch you can set another function iside the connect function

fucntion mapDispathToProps(dispatch){
		addTodo: function(task){
				type: "ADD_TODO", task
connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)
connect(mapStateToProps, {addTodo, removeTodo}) //мы прокидаем функции actionCreators вместе с даными reduxStore