
magic component for transitions between screens



[work in progress]


yarn add freezus

import Transition from 'freezus'

// ...

  id={key} // change this for every transition
  onEnter={async function*() => ...}
  onExit={async function*() => {
    // do whatever!
    // the previous render sticks around until this function exits
    // and by magic, redux state is frozen inside it!
    // local state and everything else works as expected

    // you can now manually animate that old element out,
    // do a shared element transition, whatever.
    // use jquery for all I care
    // refs are doubly useful here :)


  • traditionally, by rendering a new view in a position, we implicitly destroy the previous view (if it was different)
  • alternately, we have to manually maintain ui state, mixing our animation concerns with business logic.
  • <Transition/> abstracts that for you

how does it work

  • fragments to render multiple phases at once
  • lifecycle - onEnter, onExit
  • cancellable
  • freeze redux state for the subtree


async generators handle cancellation pretty nicely

onExit={async function*() => {
    await sleep(1000)
  finally {
    const isCancelled = yield;
    // do the thing


by combining reduce and the yields from onEnter/onExit, you can implement a redux-like pipeline to manage state. the default reducer is (x, y) => y i.e. - it saves the last action as the state. You can read from this state with Transition.Consumer


todo -

  • examples
  • tests
  • freeze react-router
  • freeze anything on context
  • <ReactTransition that matches the popular one, good for migrating