
Node.js excercises for the course https://fullstackopen.com/


Node.JS phonebook app

Repository contains Node.js backend for a simple phone book. Data is stored to a MongoDB Database.

Phone book service is hosted at: https://cryptic-peak-59110.herokuapp.com/

Backend shows data also at: https://cryptic-peak-59110.herokuapp.com/api/persons https://cryptic-peak-59110.herokuapp.com/info

To run the service locally

First, install dependencies:

npm i

To start service locally (uses Nodemon, that automatically restarts node when changes are saved):

npm run watch

Repository contains frontend build. Frontend can be accessed at http://localhost:3001/

Deployment to Heroku

Preparing deployment

Create database (for instance to MongoDB Atlas cloud). Place database uri to a file .env.

Then create Heroku project within the repository:

heroku create

And add database uri to the Heroku:

heroku config:set MONGODB_URI=mongodb+srv://__your_uri_here__


To deploy to the Heroku, run:

npm run deploy


Frontend build is included in this repository. If you want to make changes to the frontend, fork code from: https://github.com/laojala/fullstackopen-2019/tree/master/chapter_2/phone_book

Then configure build:ui parameter in the file fullstackopen-2019-part3-node/package.json to point to the frontend repository.

To build UI and start the whole project, run:

npm run locally