
Monitors GitHub Enterprise Importer (GEI) migrations for an organization through a simple command line tool

MIT License


GitHub Migration Monitor

This command line tool allows you to monitor an organization's GitHub Enterprise Importer (GEI) migrations.

It'll watch your organization's migrations and display a UI with your queued, in progress, successful and failed migrations, plus an event log.


  1. Make sure you have Node.js installed. You can double check by running node --version.
  2. Make sure you have npm installed. You can double check by running npm --version.
  3. Set the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable to a classic personal access token (PAT) with the admin:org scope.
  4. Run npx github-migration-monitor --organization ORGANIZATION, replacing ORGANIZATION with your organization name.

Customizing how often the CLI polls for updates

By default, the CLI will poll for updates to your migrations every 10 seconds.

You can customize this by setting the --interval-in-seconds argument with a value in seconds.

Setting the GitHub token using a command line argument

Instead of specifying your access token using the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable, you can alternatively use the --github-token argument