

Dev notes

  • Edit index.html as you would any HTML.

  • You can edit Stylus source files in css/ - they get compiled to CSS by the make tool.

  • JavaScripts are in js/ - they get combined using the make tool.

  • The list of JavaScript files are in the Makefile.

  • Raw images are all in .png and are stored in images/. They get auto-optimized under assets/ using the make tool.

  • For retina images, save them as images/[email protected] (for jpegs) or images/[email protected] (for PNGs). They will get auto-scaled down using the make tool.

  • To use retina images in <img>, use <img data-src="hello.jpg">. The @2x suffix will be added automatically on retina systems.

To use the Make tool

The make tool builds optimized assets (in assets/) from source files (in images/, css/ and js/). GNU Make already comes pre-installed in most systems, but you need a few more things.


  • Install homebrew (
  • Install NodeJS (brew install nodejs) - needed for Stylus
  • Install Optipng (brew install optipng) - needed to optimize PNG
  • Install ImageMagick (brew install imagemagick) - needed to auto-scale retina images
  • Install Stylus+Nib (sudo npm install -g stylus nib) - needed to compile CSS


  • Type make start in a Terminal

Asset compilation: How it works

There's a make script (Makefile) that takes care of processing your CSS, JS and images. Just type make and they will be generated. In general:

  • Raw, unprocessed things go into images/, css/ and js/
  • Type make in the Terminal
  • Things will be processed into assets/.


Put images in images/. All PNG files, please.

  • The non-retina PNGs will be automatically created from retina PNGs.
  • PNGs will be optimized for filesize automatically.
  • JPG saving will automatically strip EXIF and optimize, progressive-style
  • [email protected] will be converted to [email protected] and rescaled to XXX.jpg too
  • [email protected] will be optimized to [email protected] and rescaled to XXX.png too
  • XXX.jpg.png will be converted to XXX.jpg with the optimal settings
  • XXX.png will optimized to XXX.png


Put JS in js/. Edit the Makefile to change the order of how they're baked into script.js.

CSS / Stylus

CSS is powered by Stylus + Nib. The .styl files will automatically be converted to .css.

See for more info.