
Generates a manifest and handle icons generation for your PWA.

MIT License



Generates a manifest and handle icons generation for your PWA.



I made this plugin because I use gridsome to make my next web app, and I wanted to have a way to just generate this file for me in order to pass the Lighthouse PWA manifest.json test.


  • Generates a manifest.json at the root of your dist folder at build time
  • Automatically generates 512, 192, 144, 98, 72, and 48px wide icons from your original icon
  • Adds a <meta name="theme-color" /> and a <link rel="manifest" /> (at build time) at the head of each of your HTML files


  • NPM or Yarn installed on your machine


With NPM:

npm install --save-dev gridsome-plugin-manifest

With Yarn:

yarn add --dev gridsome-plugin-manifest


In your file gridsome.config.js, add the following in the plugin key:

module.exports = {
  siteName: "Gridsome",
  plugins: [
      use: "gridsome-plugin-manifest",
      options: {
        background_color: "#000000",
        icon_path: "./src/assets/img/icon.png",
        name: "My app name",
        short_name: "App",
        theme_color: "#FFFFFF",
        lang: "en",

Build your project:

  • With NPM: npm run build
  • With Yarn: yarn build

To check it work, serve your application locally, then use Chrome DevTools to run a check on the PWA "manifest" test to check it has successfuly taken your manifest file into account.


  • Options
    • background_color: String The background of your PWA loading screen
    • name: String The name displayed in your PWA loading screen
    • theme_color: String The color of the text in your PWA loading screen
    • display: standalone | minimal-ui | fullscreen (default: minimal-ui)
    • scope: String The scope of your PWA (should be an absolute URL)
    • orientation: any | natural | landscape | landscape-primary | landscape-secondary | portrait | portrait-primary | portrait-secondary (default: any)
    • start_url: String The URL where the user will begin if he/she starts your PWA
    • file_name: String The name of your manifest file (default: manifest.json)
    • icon_path: String The path (include the file name) where your icon is stored at
    • dir: ltr | rtl | auto The direction of the text (default: auto)
    • lang: String An ISO 2 lang code to determine which lang the name and short_name are displayed on.
    • prefer_related_applications: Boolean Whether to prompt to open any link with another app than this PWA or not (default: false).
    • related_applications: Array<RelatedApplication>: A list of the related applications (see below for the prototype of a RelatedApplication).
interface RelatedApplication {
  platform: string;
  url: string;
  id?: string;

(?: means "non mandatory field").

Known issues

  • The icon must be square (the size that is used in the icons key of the manifest.json file is for the moment width x width, so for example a width of 512 will produce a sizes key equal to 512x512)

Run the tests

  1. Clone the project: git clone
  2. Install the dependencies
    • with NPM: npm install
    • with Yarn: yarn install
  3. Run the tests
    • with NPM: npm run test
    • with Yarn: yarn test

You should see something like:

$ nyc mocha --require @babel/register test

    √ should export a function

      √ should export a function
      √ should return default options

  3 passing (22ms)

File               | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files          |    17.8 |     4.88 |    9.52 |   18.92 |
 error-logger.js   |      80 |      100 |       0 |      80 | 8
 ...some.client.js |      50 |      100 |       0 |   66.67 | 2
 ...some.server.js |   13.76 |     4.88 |   10.53 |   14.56 | ...30-232,257-259