


Derive new receive address from xpub with every request


Get your wallet account's XPUB

It's reccomended to create a new wallet for your HIP2 server.



hsw-cli --id=<WALLET NAME> account get default | jq -r .accountKey

Bob Wallet
  • Get your API key from Settings > Wallet then use hs-client:

hsw-cli --id=<WALLET NAME> --api-key=<API KEY> account get default | jq -r .accountKey

Paste the xpub by itself into the file in this repo: conf/xpub

Installation & Execution

This package has been pre-built from hsd modules and requires no additional packages or C compiler, etc. Just run the build with a port number

git clone https://github.com/pinheadmz/hip2-server
cd hip2-server
node hip2-server/build/hip2-server.js 8080


--> curl
--> curl
--> curl

HIP2-server will track the number of requests in the file log/hip2-index. This value may be needed to fully recover all payments made to your account since many users may make requests without sending payments.


If you are using nginx as your webserver, you can configure one or even many domains to use the same HIP2 server, and even redirect to a hard-coded flat file (with single HNS address) in case the HIP2 server crashes!

In this example, port 60000 is the nodeJS webserver actually running the proofofconcept website, which has a hard-coded HIP2 address.

By using the proxy_pass and error_page directives in the nginx configuration, the HIP2 address will by default come from HIP2-server but fall back to the flat file in case of failure.

server {
  server_name *.proofofconcept proofofconcept;

  listen 443 ssl;
  listen [::]:443 ssl;

  ssl_certificate /root/ssl/proofofconcept/cert.crt;
  ssl_certificate_key /root/ssl/proofofconcept/cert.key;

  location / {
    proxy_pass         http://localhost:60000;
    proxy_set_header   Host $host;

  location @main {
    proxy_pass         http://localhost:60000;
    proxy_set_header   Host $host;

  location /.well-known/wallets/HNS {
    proxy_pass  http://localhost:20000;
    error_page  500 502  @main;

Build from source

Don't trust my build? fine. Requires C compiler and whatever else hsd wants.

git clone https://github.com/pinheadmz/hip2-server
cd hip2-server
npm install
npm run build

Wallet recovery and pitfalls

The default lookahead value in hsd is 200. That means that if at least one out of every 200 HIP2 address requests results in an on-chain transaction, the original wallet (or new wallet rescanning from the original seed) will recover all payments. Users should monitor the value saved to log/hip2-index and if it gets too large you may need to manually generate addresses in the recovery wallet before rescanning. After the hip2-server serves 0x7fffffff addresses, it will start over at index 0 and recycle. The log/hip2-index file will continue to increment, so users should also take action if they see the value in that file exceed 2147483647.