
Node.js Middleware for standardizing the way you send HTTP response statuses.

MIT License



Middleware for standardizing the way you send HTTP response statuses.

Prevents inconsistencies in your code by standardizing the way you handle sending HTTP response statuses and bodies.

Without http-responses
res.send(401, body)
res.json(401, body)
next({ status: 401, message: body })
next({ code: 401, message: body })
With http-responses
// WWW Response
return next(new res.Unauthorized(body))

// API response
return next(new res.Unauthorized({
  body: body


$ npm install http-responses

Express.js, before routing


Usage Example

Semi-real world example, fetching specific user w/ identifier key for an API.

app.use('/:id', function (req, res, next) {
  if (!req.param('id', false)) {
    return next(new res.Conflict({
      body: 'Id is required.'

  User.find({ _id: req.param('id') }).then(function (user) {
    if (user) {
      return res.ok('User', user.toJSON(), true);

    return next(new res.NotFound({
      body: 'User does not exist'
  }).then(function (err) {
    if (err) {
      next(new res.InternalServerError({
        body: err.message

Express Error Handler

Handling errors in express should be done the correct way by defining a middleware that contains an arity of four by including the error argument after your routing has been done. By doing this, anything passed through the next argument will be sent here and we can determine what to do from there, here is a generic example of supporting both API / WWW errors.

var xml = require('js2xmlparser');

app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {

  if (typeof err.message === 'object') {
    return res.format({
      json: function () {
          code: err.code,
          message: err.message.body

      html: function () {
        res.set('Content-Type', 'application/xml').send(
          xml(err.message.type || 'ApiError', {
            code: err.code,
            message: err.message.text

    json: function () {
        code: err.code,
        message: err.message

    html: function () {
      res.render('error/index', {
        status: err.status,
        code: err.code,
        message: err.message


Informational Methods

  • 100: res.Continue()
  • 101: res.SwitchingProtocols(String protocols)
  • 102: res.Processing()

Success Methods

  • 200: res.ok(String view, Mixed body, Boolean api)

    view (WWW: partials/user/profile / API: "User")

    WWW view path / API XML object type.

    Can be omitted when api is false, HTML requests will return text/plain body as no view is declared.

    body (user.toJSON())

    Response body, here we retrieve the user json output

    api (true)

    Determines whether view is an HTML template path or an XML object property <User></User>

    You can also pass a method that will be invoked if you want to resolve formats yourself:

      res.ok(function () {
  • 204: res.NoContent()

Redirect Methods

  • 300: res.redirect - native express method.
  • 301: res.MovedPermanently(location)
  • 302: res.Found(location)
  • 307: res.TemporaryRedirect(location)
  • 308: res.PermanentRedirect(location)

Error Methods


code - optional, sub status-code (iis style); defaults to status code.

message - required, mixed type can be string, object, number, date, etc...


  • 400: new res.BadRequest([code, ]message)
  • 401: new res.Unauthorized([code, ]message)
  • 402: new res.PaymentRequired([code, ]message)
  • 403: new res.Forbidden([code, ]message)
  • 404: new res.NotFound([code, ]message)
  • 405: new res.MethodNotAllowed([code, ]message)
  • 406: new res.NotAcceptable([code, ]message)
  • 407: new res.ProxyAuthenticationRequired([code, ]message)
  • 408: new res.RequestTimeout([code, ]message)
  • 409: new res.Conflict([code, ]message)
  • 411: new res.LengthRequired([code, ]message)
  • 412: new res.PreconditionFailed([code, ]message)
  • 413: new res.PayloadTooLarge([code, ]message)
  • 414: new res.URITooLong([code, ]message)
  • 415: new res.UnsupportedMediaType([code, ]message)
  • 416: new res.RangeNotSatisfied([code, ]message)
  • 417: new res.ExpectationFailed([code, ]message)
  • 418: new res.ImATeapot([code, ]message)
  • 423: new res.Locked([code, ]message)
  • 428: new res.PreconditionRequired([code, ]message)
  • 429: new res.TooManyRequests([code, ]message)
  • 500: new res.InternalServerError([code, ]message)
  • 501: new res.NotImplemented([code, ]message)
  • 502: new res.BadGateway([code, ]message)
  • 503: new res.ServiceUnavailable([code, ]message)
  • 504: new res.GatewayTimeout([code, ]message)
  • 505: new res.HTTPVersionNotSupported([code, ]message)
  • 507: new res.InsufficientStorage([code, ]message)
  • 508: new res.LoopDetected([code, ]message)
  • 510: new res.NotExtended([code, ]message)
  • 511: new res.NetworkAuthenticationRequired([code, ]message)

Special Methods

  • 426: res.UpgradeRequired(String protocols,[code, ]message)

Supported Frameworks
