
Microservice Framework for modern webapps

OTHER License



  • Auto Service Discovery
  • Encourage Modular based design
    • Services
    • Controllers
    • Resolvers
    • Resources
    • Factories
    • Adapters
  • Modern
    • DI
    • Promises
    • Streams
  • Production Ready
    • Session Management
    • SSL Support
    • Configuration Management
    • Logging Management
    • Secure
    • Stats Collection
    • Throttling/Service Protection
    • Input Validation
    • API Doc Generation
    • Load tests
    • Benchmarking Tools
  • Middleware Plugins
    • Plugin manager (yanpm)
    • Configuration management (default: transfuser)
    • Logging (default: stumpy)
    • Template Engines (default: ejs)
    • Monitor Server Stats (default: statsd)
    • Authentication
      • basic auth
      • SSO (default: passport)
  • CLI
    • Keep Alive (default: forever)
    • Scaffolding Generator
    • Build/Package/Deploy
    • Load tests
    • Benchmarking Tools

Note: Bold items are on the roadmap, not in the current release.


See Examples directory


Config Loading/Merge Order

  1. Built in config
  2. Current working directory (most likely, dir server was run in)
    • config.json
    • config.js
    • <app/project name>.config.json
    • <app/project name>.config.js
  3. User home directory
    • config.custom.json
    • config.custom.js
    • <app/project name>.config.custom.json
    • <app/project name>.config.custom.json

Functions Dependency Injection

  • $hyper: instance of the current hyper server
  • $q: promise library used in hyper (default: when)
  • _: util library used in hyper (default: lodash)
  • $logger: logger library used in hyper (default: stumpy)
  • $rawRequest: raw route request from httpFramework
  • $rawResponse: raw route response from httpFramework
  • $next: route next function
  • $done: route done function
  • $error: route error function
  • $fatal: route fatal function
  • $session: req.session
  • $cookies: req.cookies
  • $input
    • $input.body: POST data
    • $input.query: GET query data
    • $input.params: GET query data


Current Release

  • 0.6.0 - Release
    • Service Export
    • Added Resource Manager
    • Lint Cleanup/Fixes

Next Release

  • 0.6.x - More Polish

    • Error checks
  • 1.0.0 - ES Next!

    • ES6 Classes, decorators
    • General route pipeline
    • Move Express out of the framework to its own plugin (hyper.io-express)
    • API documentation
    • Cleanup/Remove old features not heavily used

Road Map

  • 2.0.0 - Release
    • Load tests
    • Benchmarking Tools
    • Polish and bug fixes
    • More Documentation
      • How To
        • Server production setup
      • Update API
    • Push to Service Store

Prev Release(s)

  • 0.2.0 - Release

    • Add Resolvers
    • Add middleware system
      • Add required option to route
      • Add basic auth middleware
  • 0.3.0 - Release

    • Add Resource type
      • Resource Examples
        • Basic
        • SQLite
      • Add Resource per Service
    • Add Multi Service Example
      • Single File
      • Multi File
    • Add Basic Auth Example
    • Add Config Examples
    • Add DI to Services and Controllers Constructors
    • API Tests
      • Routes
      • Controllers
      • Services
      • Resolvers
      • Resources
      • Custom paths
  • 0.4.0 - Release

    • Update Dependencies
    • Add Service Router
      • Add HTTP Adapter
    • Add $services DI
      • .find(<service name>)
      • .get(<route>, [<query/hash data URL format>])
    • Add tests for all examples
    • Add auto-exec $init function waiting on return promise
    • Examples
      • External Services
      • Sessions
      • Input
  • 0.5.0 - Release

    • Replace Middleware with yanpm plugin manager
    • Refactor Service Manager - breaking it into smaller modules
    • Custom binary responses
    • Examples:
      • Auth middleware - Basic


MIT licence information.