
Best practices for using Redux for state management


Learn Redux

Three Principles of Redux

  1. The whole state of your application, including the data and the UI state, is contained in a single immutable JavaScript object, known as the State Tree

  2. The State Tree is read only - you cannot modify or write to it. The only way to change the State Tree is to dispatch an action

  3. State mutations in your application need to be described as pure functions (known as reducers) that take the previous state and the action being dispatched and return the new state


state: Any - minimal representation of data in your app

action: Object - minimal representation of the change to the app's data; at the very least, this object must contain a type property (preferred as string) to specify the change

reducer: (Pure) Function - pure function responsible for implementing the update logic of the application; it should declare how the next state is calculated based on the current state and the action being dispatched

store: Object - binds together the Three Principles of Redux: holds the current application state object, let's you dispatch actions, and when you create it, you need to specify the reducer that tells how state is updated with actions

view - the UI layer of this pattern, usually React

Reducer Composition

A common pattern used in Redux that has different reducers specify how different parts of the state tree are updated in response to acitons. Reducers are normal JavaScript functions, so they can call other reducers to delegate and abstract away handling of updates of some parts of the state they manage. The updates are then combined into one larger state object.

This is a pervasive pattern in Redux development, and can be applied many times, and while there is still a single top-level reducer managing the state of the application, it is convenient to express it as many reducers calling each other, each contributing to a part of the state tree.

This pattern is so common that Redux exports a combineReducers function who's signature will take a single object argumentwhich is a mapping between the state field names and the reducers managing themand will return the top level reducer function.

It is a useful convention to always name your reducers after the state keys they manage.

Reducer Composition helps scale Redux development because different people on the team can work on different reducers, handling the same actions, without running into each other and causing merge conflicts.

Redux Store

The store has three important methods:

  1. getState() - retrieves current state of the Redux store

  2. dispatch(action: Object) - let's you call actions to change the state

  3. subscribe(callback: Function) - let's you register a callback that the store will call anytime an action has been dispatched, allowing you to update your UI to reflect the current application state

Any state change is caused by a store.dispatch() call somewhere in a React component. When an action is dispatched, the store calls the reducer it was created with, passing the current state and the action being dispatched.

If subscribed to the store, the ReactDOM render function is called anytime the store state changes, so passing the current state of the store as a prop (with store.getState()) is safe and will keep the UI up-to-date with the state.

Upon initial creation, Redux will let you pass some persisted or initial state as the second argument to createStore(). This will override the initial state values specified by the reducers. Essentially, whatever you pass pass to createStore as the second argument will end up in the root reducer as the state argument, instead of undefined.

You can also pass in an "enhancer" argument as the final argument to createStore(). Most of the time, Redux's applyMiddleware function is passed in as the "enhancer". If you want to include some persisted state, you need to do this before the enhancer, but you can skip the persisted state if you don't have it.

Redux Middleware

The purpose of Redux middlewares is to replace the single dispatch() function with a chain of composable dispatch functions which each can do something with an action. Middleware is a powerful system that lets us put custom behavior on actions before they reach the reducers. This can be useful for logging, analytics, error handling, asynchronous control flow, and more. Adding middleware is supported out of the box with Redux through the applyMiddleware named export.

All Redux middlewares have the same function signature, accepting the store, the next dispatch function, and the action as curried arguments

const someMiddleware = (store) => (next) => (action) => newDispatchFunction

The most common way to write asynchronous action creators is to use something called "thunks", which are action creators who's return value is a function. Usually this function takes dispatch as it's argument so that it can dispatch multiple times throughout an async operation.

"Thunk middleware" is a powerful composable way to express async action creators that want to emit several actions during the course of an async operation. This is useful when you want to let a component specify the intention to start an async operation without worrying which actions get dispatched and when.

Useful Conventions

  • If a reducer receives an unknown action, it should return the current state.
  • If a reducer receives an undefined state, it should return the current state.
  • Name your reducers after the state keys they manage.
  • All reducers should take in two arguments: the current state, and an action,
    even if the reducer does not make use of the state passed in.
  • Prefer to keep the data that a UI component needs for rendering explicit (e.g.
    instead of passing a todo object to a <Todo /> component, pass the todo
    object properties as separate props)
  • First try and extract presentation components. If there is too much boilerplate
    passing the props to them through intermediate components, create container
    components around the presentation components, load the data, and specify the
  • The reducer function should be the default export of a reducer file, but any
    selector functions should be named exports.

Recommended Patterns

Container Components - React components concerned with connecting the Redux store to the presentation components and specify the data and behavior that it needs

Presentation Components - React components only concerned with how things look or how they render

Action Creators - takes arguments about the action and returns an action object with the type and necessary properties set. While actions objects could be dispatched inline, using abstracted functions to encapsulate the action types helps document what kinds of actions can be dispatched without worrying about the action's internal structure.

Selectors - functions (usually prefixed with get) used to encapsulate the knowledge about the state shape so that the components don't have to rely on it; so named because they "select" something from the state and use it to prepare data to be displayed by the UI.

Redux does not enforce that you encapsulate the knowledge about the state shape in particular selectors. However, it's a nice pattern because it lets you change the state that is stored by reducers without having to change your components or your tests (if you use selectors and reducers together in your tests).

When handling promise errors, it is usually best practice to use catch in the promise chain. The downside of this approach is if one of your reducers or subscribe components throws while handling an action, you'll get into the catch block and display an internal error message to the user. To avoid this, it is recommended that you don't use catch in this scenario and just pass the second argument so it catches only the errors from the underlying API promise.

Recommended Component Architecture:

Components do not need to know how a change will take place, all they know is that they need to dispatch an action with at least a type property. (This makes actions follow a declarative programming approach.)

The UI is most predictable when it is described as a pure function of the application state. A goal of refactoring components is to make every component as flexible as it is reasonable.

Separate components into categories that are based on how things look (presentation components), and how they act (container components) so that components can be as flexible as possible. This decouples your rendering from Redux, so if you later decided to move your project to another framework (e.g. Relay, MobX, etc.) you won't have to change all of your components, as you can keep the presentational components exactly the same.

The downside of the approach is that it somewhat breaks the encapsulation principle: you have to thread a lot of props through the components to get them to the leaf presentation components, including the callbacks, even when the intermediate components don't really use them. However, this problem can be solved by introducing many intermediate container components.

Separating the container and presentation components is often a good idea, but it should not be taken as a dogma. It should only be done when it truly reduces the complexity of the codebase.

React-Redux: React bindings for Redux

Provider: component

Uses React's context to expose the store passed to it as a prop so that container components can specify their contextTypes and use to subscribe to store updates and dispatch actions.

React context can be used to pass data through the component tree without having to pass down props manually at every level. It creates a sort of wormhole between the context provider component and the children/grandchildren components who would like to opt-in to use context.

This is a pattern that should not be taken lightly, as it contradicts the React philosophy of explicit date flow by essentially providing global variables across the component tree. However, when used sparingly for dependency injection (like passing the Redux store down through the component tree), it can be useful.

connect: (curried) function

All container components are very similar. They need to:

  • re-render when the store state changes
  • unsubscribe from the store when they unmount
  • take the current state of the store and use it to render the presentation
    components with some props they calculate from the state of the store
  • specify the contextTypes to get the store from the context

connect is a utility function that encapsulates and provides these requirements by mapping the store state and desired actions to props.

It is a curried function call, meant to decorate the component that is desired to be connected to the Redux store. The result of the connect call is a new component that will render the component passed in.

It will calculate the props to pass to the returned component by merging the return object from mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, and any props explicitly provided on the passed container component itself.

const WrappedComponent = connect(

It's a common pattern to inject just the dispatch function when creating container components, and not subscribe to the store. If mapStateToProps or mapDispatchToProps is 'falsy', connect will still give you dispatch as a prop on the returned component.

const WrappedComponent = connect()(ComponentToWrap)
// WrappedComponent still receives `dispatch` function

It's also a common pattern to use the container props when calculating the child props for the returned component. This is why both mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps can take props as an optional second argument.

React-Router: declarative routing for React apps

withRouter: higher-order Component

Takes a React component as input, and returns a new React component injected with router related props (e.g. match). This function will also pass any props through itself, so any props passed by the app will be available on the returned component. Handy when you need to read the current params somewhere deep in the component tree. withRouter will re-render the component every time the route changes. (Note that withRouter can only work with the connect function if using react-router version 3+.)