
ifthenpay unofficial javascript module

OTHER License



ifthenpay unofficial javascript module

What is this?

Portugal has a payment service called Referências Multibanco, which means "multi bank references" in English.

Multibanco allows portuguese people to get way more from an ATM service.

Portuguese people can, over a Smartphone or an ATM:

  • Pre-charge their phones
  • Pay bills (electric, ISP and other contract bills)
  • Pay for one-shot services
  • Send money to others just by knowing their number
  • Pay taxes
  • much more, I can't remember all cases.

Those services are offered by a all-bank-shared company called SIBS.

For being able to generate Referências Multibanco, you must engage with your bank's Account Manager and pay a Setup + Anual fee, but it is only worth if you have a noticeable business flow going.

To bypass this scenario, some products emerged by allowing the small companies to enter into the Multibanco scene with a pay-as-you-go business model as you may find on Credit Cards.

IfThenPay is one of them. I've choosed to work with them because they've created an algorithm to allow their customers to create their custom Multibanco references on the go.

Note: At the time, I have not any kind of engagement with IfThenPay, and I'm the owner of this Software.

Why should I use it?

  • Does NOT require API connections for generating Multibanco references.
  • IfThenPay connects to your server's endpoint (webhook) when a payment is made
  • This project does not require any module on production
  • It is Isomorphic/Universal, can run over both browser or server engines.
  • Server-side webhook can work with node's http interface or server frameworks
    such as express or restify.
  • Has a test framework harassing hardly for bugs.
  • Standalone compressed released is about 5KB!!!


npm i --save ifthenpay

NOTE: In case you're including this in a bundle, and need to cut down the server part to decrease bundle's size, please include the browser implementation instead.

var IfThenPay = require( 'ifthenpay/browser' )


Using a standalone release build

HINT: Check out newest releases here!

<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/ifthenpay.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

  window.onload = function () {
    var ifthenpay = IfThenPay({ /* ... */ })


JS ES-stage-0 a.k.a. ES-awesome

Generating multibanco's payment codes

import IfThenPay from 'ifthenpay'

const ifthenpay = new IfThenPay({
  entity: '99999'
  subentity: '999'

// Generate a multibanco payment codes
console.log( ifthenpay.generate( 55.34 ) )
/*> Object {
  "entity": "99999",
  "reference": "999000014",
  "value": 55.34
} */

Connecting with a node http server

import http from 'http'

const server = http.createServer().listen(80)
const preSharedKey = '99999999999999999999999999999'

const ifthenpay = new IfThenPay({
  entity: '99999'
  subentity: '999',
  webhook: {
    autosetup: true,
    server, preSharedKey,
    callback: async function ({ id, value }) {
      // Callback logic

Connecting with an express server

import IfThenPay from 'ifthenpay'
import Express from 'express'

const server = Express().listen(80)
const preSharedKey = '99999999999999999999999999999'

const ifthenpay = new IfThenPay({
  entity: '99999'
  subentity: '999',
  webhook: {
    autosetup: true,
    server, preSharedKey,
    callback: async function ({ id, value }) {
      // Callback logic

Callback logic

Callback allows you to do something whenever IfThenPay warns your server about a successful payment.

const ifthenpay = new IfThenPay({
  entity: '99999'
  subentity: '999',
  webhook: {
    autosetup: true,
    server, preSharedKey,
    callback: async function ({ id, value }) {

      // fetch from database
      const payment = await database.fetch( id )

      if ( payment.value !== value ) {
        throw new Error( "Payment's value is different from the received value!?" )
        // Warn dev team?

      if ( payment.completed ) {
        throw new Error( "Payment was already completed" )
        // Warn dev team?

      // Just because everything went fine, lets save
      await payment.set( 'completed', true ).save()

      // We don't need to return nothing fancy, if callback runs without errors
      // this module will assume everything is fine and will respond with a 200
      // http status to the IfThenPay webhook request.

JS ES5 / CommonJS

Generating multibanco's payment codes

var IfThenPay = require( 'ifthenpay' ).IfThenPay

var ifthenpay = new IfThenPay({
  entity: '99999'
  subentity: '999'

// Generate a multibanco payment codes
console.log( ifthenpay.generate( 55.34 ) )
/*> Object {
  "entity": "99999",
  "reference": "999000014",
  "value": 55.34
} */

Connecting with an express server

var IfThenPay = require( 'ifthenpay' ).IfThenPay
var Express = require( 'express' )

var server = Express().listen(80)
var preSharedKey = '99999999999999999999999999999'

var ifthenpay = new IfThenPay({
  entity: '99999'
  subentity: '999',
  webhook: {
    autosetup: true,
    server: server, preSharedKey: preSharedKey,
    callback: function (context) {
      // Callback logic

Callback logic

var ifthenpay = new IfThenPay({
  entity: '99999'
  subentity: '999',
  webhook: {
    autosetup: true,
    server: server, preSharedKey: preSharedKey,
    callback: function (context) {
      var id = context.id
      var value = context.value

      return Promise.try(function () {
        // fetch from database
        return database.fetch( id )
      .then(function ( payment ) {
        if ( payment.value !== value ) {
          throw new Error( "Payment's value is different from the received value!?" )
          // Warn dev team?

        if ( payment.completed ) {
          throw new Error( "Payment was already completed" )
          // Warn dev team?

        return payment.set( 'completed', true ).save()

      // We don't need to return nothing fancy, if callback runs without errors
      // this module will assume everything is fine and will respond with a 200
      // http status to the IfThenPay webhook request.




Number [0-9]{5} Option provided by IfThen.


Number [0-9]{1,3} Option provided by IfThen.


Object | false Object with options for webhook handling.


Boolean | false Defines if webhook should auto mount the middleware handler on the server. Needed for those who are using other routers, such as Restify.


String | false

URL to strict responses. If not defined, it will respond to all requests.


http.Server / Express / Restify

Will be used to set up a route handler


String .{1,50} Pre shared key provided to IfThen.


Function ( Object: { entity, subentity, id, reference, value, terminal, date } )

NOTE: all parameters are mandatory, except for terminal and date.

Method for handling validation on your side, such database payments comparison.

Method will receive most needed variables, already parsed and validated.

The callback won't be called in case:

  • There isn't a match between pre-shared keys
  • Entity does not match
  • Reference contains a different subentity
  • Entity/Reference/Value has a bad Checksum

The callback should return a promise in case it contains async operations. In case you wan't to delay the payment webhook for later, you must throw up an error or a rejected promise.


Private-Open License v1