
A node library to simplify creating custom integrations with Payfast.

MIT License


💸 node-payfast

A node library to simplify creating custom integrations with Payfast.


npm install node-payfast

yarn add node-payfast


// server.js

const {PayFast} = require('node-payfast');

const  config  = {
sandbox: true, // Defaults to false
merchant_id: process.env.MERCHANT_ID,
merchant_key: process.env.MERCHANT_KEY,
passphrase: process.env.PASSPHRASE

// Initialize a new Payfast instance with your config data.
const  pf  =  new PayFast(config);

// Very important to keep the order of the parameters as per Payfast's documentation, else the signature won't validate.

var  paymentData  = {
return_url: '',
cancel_url: '',
notify_url: '',
name_first: 'John',
name_last: 'Doe',
email_address: '[email protected]',
amount: '300.00',
item_name: 'Cheese',
item_description: '1 block of cheese',
// add extra lines for subscriptions, etc.

// Please use this example below for recurring payments
const paymentData = {
      return_url: '',
      cancel_url: '',
      notify_url: '',
      name_first: "John,
      name_last: 'Doe',
      email_address: '[email protected]',
      m_payment_id: 'unique_id',
      amount: '300.00',
      item_name: 'Basic plan',
      // add extra lines for subscriptions, etc.
      email_confirmation: "1",
      confirmation_address: email,
      subscription_type: "1",
      frequency: "3",
      cycles: "0",
      subscription_notify_email: "true",
      subscription_notify_buyer: "true",

async  function  getPaymentURL() {
// Keep each function seperate as it may have for future features:

const  urlString  =  pf.createStringfromObject(paymentData);
const  hash  =  pf.createSignature(urlString);
const  paymentObject  =  pf.createPaymentObject(paymentData, hash);
const  generatePaymentUrl  =  await  pf.generatePaymentUrl(paymentObject);
return  generatePaymentUrl;
// It will return a URL like
// Send that URL to your frontend or redirect user to it, or however you wish to use it.

Roadmap 🛣

  • Create URL String from payment data
  • Generate Signature
  • Sends request with Payment data and returns Payment page URL (Inspired by Stripe)
  • Webhook validation
  • Split Payments


Contributions are welcome! Here's how you can help:

Bug Reports and Feature Requests

If you find a bug or want to suggest a new feature, please create an issue on the GitHub repository with a detailed description. Be sure to check if a similar issue or feature request already exists before creating a new one.

Pull Requests

If you want to contribute code to this project, you can fork the repository, create a new branch, make your changes, and then create a pull request. Please make sure to write clear commit messages and add appropriate tests for your changes.

Code Reviews

Code reviews are an essential part of the development process. If you're interested in reviewing pull requests, please let us know by leaving a comment on the relevant pull request or by reaching out to one of the maintainers.


Improving the documentation is always appreciated. If you notice any errors or want to suggest improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request with your changes.