
NodeJS image thumbnail server

OTHER License



Image thumbnail generator server written for NodeJS that requires no external dependencies to run (apart from NodeJS) unlike more complete alternatives. Fewer moving parts means it's much easier to set up and maintain.

Source images need to be a jpg/png/gif file hosted on a server. Source images are downloaded, processed, then returned as http response with the same file type as the source image.

The image thumbnail generation consists of a crop operation then a resize. The image covers fully the given dimensions even if it gets stretched ('Fill' mode). The part of the source image that gets cropped can be configured within the url.

Images are processed in memory to keep things fast, and an optional filesystem cache keeps a copy of the downloaded file to avoid downloading them multiple times.

The core image processing functionality is handled by the lovell/sharp NodeJS library.

Main features

  • on the fly image thumbnail generation
  • filesystem cache
  • URLs are Thumbor compatible
  • service access can be restricted to avoid abuse
  • Docker ready
  • easy to set up
  • fast!


  • NodeJS v0.12+
  • npm
  • build-essential tools required for npm install


git clone [email protected]:chrisben/image-thumb.git && cd image-thumb
npm install


Running the server

node index.js

This will run a local server on:

You can change the port number using the SERVER_PORT environment variable (see Options below).

Alternatively you can run the server using gulp:

./gulp serve

Generating thumbnails

To create a thumbnail image:[HMAC/]WIDTHxHEIGHT/[HALIGN/VALIGN/]IMAGE_URL

  • HMAC: security token
  • WIDTH: new width in pixels
  • HEIGHT: new height in pixels
  • HALIGN: horizontal alignment in case the image gets cropped; possible values:
    left, center, right (default: center)
  • VALIGN: vertical alignment in case the image gets cropped; possible values:
    top, middle, bottom (default: middle)
  • IMAGE_URL: the complete URL to the source image, it does not need to be escaped

For instance:

You can omit one of the width/height properties by setting a 0 value in order to keep the original aspect ratio. For instance:


Options and their defaults are set in the services/options.js file. These options can be overridden via environment variables. For instance you can run: LOG_LEVEL=0 node index.js to start the server with logging disabled.


Access to the service can be restricted to authorized users. All they need to know is a private security key. This key is then used along with the path of the requested URL using HMAC (SHA-1) to generate an hexadecimal token string. This token then needs to be set within the URL at the beginning of the URL path.

As the token depends on the given path, if the source image is different or the requested thumbnail formats differ, a new token will need to be created using the private key. This effectively restricts the access to unauthorized people.

This is the same security mechanism as Thumbor's.

To enable security, set the environment variable SECURITY_KEY with your private security key (it could be any string).

The command line tool command/hmac.js is provided to generate tokens.


Let's say I want to use the 'mytest' security key like this:

SECURITY_KEY=mytest node index.js

From the given thumbnail URL:

We extract the path: /300x100/

Let's generate the security token (HMAC):

node command/hmac.js mytest /300x100/

We get the following security token: 4a79a53213c97c615e4ef50e856dd7797c9dbdb9

Now the thumbnail image can be accessed using the following URL:

If the security token is not provided or invalid, the server will return a 403 Forbidden response.

Command line utilities

The following gulp commands can be used:

  • gulp serve / node index.js: runs the server
  • gulp: checks the code for errors, runs the server and reloads it when any of
    the source files has changed
  • gulp watch: watches for file changes
  • gulp clear-cache: clears the cache/ folder
  • gulp lint / npm run lint: runs jshint static analysis of the code
  • npm test: runs the unit tests
  • node command/hmac.js: generates a security token using the secret key and a
    URL path.


An optional filesystem cache (enabled by default) copies the downloaded files into the cache/ folder. If the given URL has already been stored in the cache, the file is not downloaded again and instead loaded directly from the filesystem cache.


To build a docker container running the server:

docker build .

To run it:

docker run -p 8081:8081 DOCKER_IMAGE_ID



  • Add functional tests to the existing unit tests


  • Forward Expires cache headers returned by the source image to activate browser cache
  • Add a max disk space allowed for the cache directory
  • Discard cached files if expired