
An introduction to state machines and Xstate course


Intro to State Machines and XState

This repo is a collection of the lessons I made for my upcoming egghead course on state machines and the XState library. They can be found in the /lessons directory.

Each lesson (except for the one introducing XState Viz) contains a before.js and an after.js file that can be referenced in relation to the lesson. Each lesson also contains a with a description of the lesson. As of the time of this writing, not every lesson contains a script of the video. These may get added as time goes on, and if there's something missing and you'd like to contribute, please feel free to make a pull request.

The vast majority of these lessons are done in XState Viz because it added a nice visual component to the lessons. Pro tip: You might find it useful to also have the Prettier playgroud open in another tab so that you can ensure your code is correct and nicely formatted when using XState Viz.

This is not an exhaustive introduction to the topic. There are a few notable things I left out of this intro course that I plan to make supplemental material for in the future. When those are made, I will add references to them here.

Thanks for checking out the course and enjoy.

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