
Out of service: consider "collections" — JavaScript iterator tools

MIT License


JavaScript Iterator Tools

For the purpose of this document, an iterable is any value accepted by the Iterator constructor.

An iterator is an object with a next() method, or optionally a send(n) method that conforms to the iterator protocol.

The iterator protocol is for the next or send methods to return the next value in an iteration each time they are called, or to throw the StopIteration object or a ReturnValue(value) object.

All methods of an iterator are generic and can be applied on other iterables. Functions that return iterables use the constructor property in an attempt to respect the chainability of inheritors.


Coerces an iteration (an object that has a step or next method conforming to the iterator protocol) into an iterator object.


Creates an iterator from a next function. The next function is obliged to either return the next value or throw a StopIteration.

Iterator([1, 2, 3])

Creates an iteration over each value in an array.


Creates an iteration over each character in a string.


Decorates a generator function (a function that, when called, returns an iterator) such that the returned iterator supports all of the iterator interface described here.

Iterator Constructor Properties


Creates an iteration of a given length, starting at zero.

Iterator.range(start, stop, step=1)

Creates an iteration for a range of numbers from start, in step increments, up to but not including stop.

Iterator.count(start, step=1)

Creates an iteration of indefinite length from the given starting number in step wide increments.

Iterator.cycle(iterable, times=Infinity)

Creates an iterator that will cycle over the values in a given iterable a given number of times. The iterable must be finite.

Iterator.repeat(value, times=Infinity)

Constructs an iterator that repeats a given value some number of times.


Constructs an iterator that iterates over the values of each iterable given as a variadic argument in order, starting the next when the previous stops.


Constructs an iterator that iterates over the values of each iterable given as the values of an iterable, starting the next when the previous stops.

Constructs an iterable that lazily produces an array for the respective values of each iterable given as a variadic argument.


Constructs an iterable that lazily produces an array for the respective values of each given iterable from the given iterable. This is analogous to a matrix transposition.

Iterator Methods


Collects every value from the generator and produces an array., index, iterator), this)

Returns an iterator that lazily consumes this iterator, translating each value with the given function. this is passed as this in the context of fun. index is the iteration number starting with 0.

iterator.forEach(fun(value, index, iterator), this)

Calls fun with each value from this iteration, passing this as this, index as the iteration number starting at 0, and iterator. If the iteration stops with a ReturnValue, forEach returns the final return value of this iterator.

iterator.reduce(fun(previous, value, i, iterator), initial, this)

Performs a reduction, consuming every value in this iteration from left to right. Equivalent to reducing an array of the same values.

iterator.every(fun(value, i, iterator), this)

Returns whether all of the values in this iteration pass the given test, consuming each value until one fails.

iterator.some(fun(value, i, iterator), this)

Returns whether any of the values in this iteration pass the given test, consuming each value until one passes.

iterator.any(fun(value, i, iterator), this)

Returns whether any of the values in this iteration are truthy, consuming all values until the first false value.

iterator.all(fun(value, i, iterator), this)

Returns whether all of the values in this iteration are truthy, consuming all values until the first true value.


Returns an iteration that first consumes and produces every value from this iteration, then each subsequent iterable from the given variadic arguments.

iterator.dropWhile(fun(value, i, iterator), this)

Returns an iteration of each value that begins with the first value that fails the given test.

iterator.takeWhile(fun(value, i, iterator), this)

Returns an iteration that produces each value from this iteration up to but not including the first value of this iteration that does not pass the given test.

iterator.filter(fun(value, i, iterator), this)

Returns an iteration that lazily consumes each value of this array and produces each value that passes the given test.

Returns an iteration of arrays, where the first value of each array comes from this iterator, and each subsequent value is the value at the same index of each of the iterables given as variadic arguments.


Produces a lazy iteration of each each [index, value] pair for every value in this iteration.

iterator.enumerate(start, indexKey, valueKey)

Produces a lazy iteration of each each {indexKey, valueKey} pair (as an object with properties named by the given indexKey and valueKey) for every value in this iteration.

Copyright 2011 Kristopher Michael Kowal MIT License (enclosed)