
Out of service — Use q-io/http-apps



Begin-, middle-, and end-ware for Q HTTP servers and clients.

Lives at the intersection of Q, Jack, and Node.

Provides HTTP applications and adapters for routing, content negotiation, hosting static files (with support for partial byte ranges), proxying, routing, redirecting, logging, timing, and the like.

I would have called this q-jack but jaque made me chuckle inside. It probably ought to have been jacques, but I didn't know as many French-speakers at the time.

The General Idea

var JAQUE = require("jaque");
var Q = require("q"); // from npm
var HTTP = require("q-http"); // from npm

var app = JAQUE.Branch({
    "": JAQUE.Method({
        "GET": function (request) {
            return {
                "status": 200,
                "headers": {"content-type": "text/plain"},
                "body": ["Hello, World!\r\n"]
}, JAQUE.notFound);

app = JAQUE.Decorators([
], app);

var server = HTTP.Server(app);
var listening = server.listen(8080);
.then(function () {
    console.log("Listening on 8080.");


npm install jaque q q-http


Cap(app, notFound)

Makes a Q-JSGI app that only responds when there is nothing left on the path to route. If the there is unprocessed data on the path, the returned app either forwards to the notFound app or returns a 404 Not Found response.

@param {App} app a Q-JSGI application to respond to this end of the routing chain.

@param {App} notFound (optional) defaults to the notFound app.

@returns {App}

Branch(paths, notFound)

Makes a Q-JSGI app that branches requests based on the next unprocessed path component.

@param {Object * App} paths a mapping from path components (single file or directory names) to Q-JSGI applications for subsequent routing. The mapping may be a plain JavaScript Object record, which must own the mapping properties, or an object that has has(key) and get(key) methods in its prototype chain.

@param {App} notFound a Q-JSGI application that handles requests for which the next file name does not exist in paths.

@returns {App}

Method(methods, methodNotAllowed_opt)

Negotiates based on HTTP method.

@param {Object * App} methods

@param {App} notAllowed (optional)

@returns {App}

Accept(types, notAcceptable)

Routes based on content negotiation, between the request's accept header and the application's list of possible content types.

@param {Object * App} types mapping content types to apps that can handle them.

@param {App} notAcceptable

@returns {App}


Returns the response of the first application that returns a non-404 resposne status.

@param {Array * App} apps a cascade of applications to try successively until one of them returns a non-404 status.

@returns {App}



Creates a persistent session associated with the HTTP client's cookie. These sessions are intended to persist for the duration that a user visits your site in the same browser.

@param {Function(session):App} Session a function that creates a new Q-JSGI application for each new session. @returns {App}


A Q-JSGI application that creates a session associated with a unique path. These sessions are intended to persist for the duration that a user remains in a single browser window.

@param {Function(session):App} a function that creates a new Q-JSGI application for each new session. It receives an object with the session's id and lastAccess Date. @returns {App}


Content(body, contentType="text/plain", status=200)

Makes an app that returns a response with static content from memory.

@param {Body} body a Q-JSGI response body @param {String} contentType @param {Number} status @returns {App} a Q-JSGI app

File(path, contentType)

Hosts a single file, at a given path, with the given content type.

@param {String} path @param {String} contentType @returns {App}

FileTree(root, options)

Hosts a file tree.

/!\ WARNING: does not yet verify that the canonical path of the root contains the canonical path of the requested file.

@param {String} path

@param {{notFound, file, directory, contentType}} options

@returns {App}

Proxy(app), Proxy(url), ProxyTree(url)

Defers to an HTTP proxy for the response.

If an application function is provided, it must accept the original request and return the proxy request. These can be the same object, but the "url" property should at least be revised.

If instead of an application, you provide a URL, all requests proxy that exact URL.

If you use ProxyTree, the unrouted portion of the URL will be fowarded to the proxy, resolved on the target URL.

Redirect(path, status, tree)




Whether the redirect is temporary or permanent varies in order of precedence.

  • whether the status is specified as an argument.
  • whether the request has passed through Permanent
  • the status implied by the function name.
  • temporary by default.

*Tree variants redirect the unrouted portition of the requested URL, to redirect entire sub-hierarchies.

@param {String} path

@returns {App}


Tap(app, tap)

Taps requests. If the tap returns a response, it is used instead of forwarding to the application.

Trap(app, trap)

Traps responses, if the application returns a response. Adds a headers object if one does not already exist so that traps can depend on its presence.

The trap may return an alternate response.

Error(app, debug)

Decorates a JSGI application such that rejected response promises get translated into 500 server error responses with no content.

With debug, the error and stack trace get sent to the client. This must be disabled in production.

@param {App} app

@returns {App}


Decorates a Q-JSGI application such that all requests and responses are logged.

@param {App} app

@returns {App}

Decorators(decorators, app)

Wraps a Q-JSGI application in a sequence of decorators.

@param {Array * Decorator} decorators

@param {App} app

@returns {App}

Permanent(app, future_opt)

Adds a far-future expiration date (1 year) to responses and configures any downstream applications to use permanent instead of temporary redirects.

The optional future callback must return a Date object for the future expiration.

Date(app, present_opt)

Adds the "date" header to any response.

The optional present callback must return a Date for the current time.



Wraps a Q-JSGI application such that the child application may simply return an object, which will in turn be serialized into a Q-JSGI response.

@param {Function(Request):Object} app an application that accepts a request and returns a JSON serializable object.

@returns {App}


Wraps an app such that it expects to receive content in the request body and passes that content as a string to as the second argument to the wrapped JSGI app.

@param {Function(Request, Object):Response} app

@returns {App}

JsonRequest(app, badRequest_opt)

Wraps an app such that it expects to receive a JSON object in the HTTP POST body, and passes that object to the child app as a second argument.

@param {Function(Request, Object):Response} app

@param {App} badRequest

@returns {App}


@param {Function(Request):Object}

@returns {App}



{App} an application that returns a 400 response.


{App} an application that returns a 404 response.


{App} an application that returns a 405 response.


{App} an application that returns a 405 response.

ok(content="", contentType="text/plain", status=200)

Returns a Q-JSGI response with the given content.

@param {Body} content (optional) defaults to [""]

@param {String} contentType (optional) defaults to "text/plain"

@param {Number} status (optional) defaults to 200

@returns {Response}

file(request, path, contentType)

Constructs a JSGI response for a given path, handling E-Tags and client-cache hits.

@param {Request} request

@param {String} path

@param {String} contentType

@returns {Response}

redirect(request, location, status, tree)

@param {String} location

@param {Number} status (optional) default is 301

@returns {Response}

json(content, options)

@param {Object} content data to serialize as JSON

@param {{tabs}} options

@returns {Response}