
A JavaScript data store queried by jQuery-like selectors


jQuery DB - A JavaScript data store queried by jQuery-like selectors By Devon Govett Licence: Do whatever you want, just fork and hack away!

/****************** ** DOCUMENTATION *****************/

Step 1: Create a data store var db = new DataStore("awesome");

Step 2: Create some records and add them to the database db.create({ foo: "bar", hello: "world" }).appendTo("awesome");

Step 3: Find some records var records = db.get("awesome[foo=bar]")

Step 4: Do stuff with the records records.update("hello", "coder");

Step 5: Bind an event to be notified when data changes db.bind("awesome[hello!=coder]", function(event) { //do stuff (see Mutation Events, below, for details on the event object) });

/************** ** SELECTORS *************/

Table selector db.get("tablename") //get all records in table

Attribute selector db.get("tablename[attr=value]") //get records in tablename whose attribute "attr" equals "value" db.get("tablename[attr!=value]") //get records in tablename whose attribute "attr" does not equal "value" db.get("tablename[attr^=value]") //get records in tablename whose attribute "attr" starts with "value" db.get("tablename[attr$=value]") //get records in tablename whose attribute "attr" ends with "value" db.get("tablename[attr*=value]") //get records in tablename whose attribute "attr" contains "value"

Filter selectors db.get("tablename:first") //get the first record in tablename db.get("tablename:last") //get the last record in tablename db.get("tablename:even") //get all of the even indexed records in tablename db.get("tablename:odd") //get all of the odd indexed records in tablename db.get("tablename:eq(5)") //get the 5th record in tablename db.get("tablename:gt(5)") //get all of the the records with an index greater than 5 in tablename db.get("tablename:lt(5)") //get all of the the records with an index less than 5 in tablename

/************************* ** RESULT SET OPERATIONS ************************/

Loop through each record in the set set.each(function(i) { //do stuff });

Get a specific record set[index] //get the record at index from set set.eq(index) //ditto

Filter the set set.filter(":odd") //filter the set by a string selector set.filter(function(i) { return i % 2; }) //filter the set by a function

Get a specific property from all records in the set set.map("name") //return an array of all name properties in the set set.map(function() { return this.name; }) //ditto

Update all records in the set set.update(prop, val) //update all records in the set, setting prop to val set.update({ foo: "bar", hello: "world" }) //update set with all changes in the hash

Remove all records from the set set.remove()

Add records to a table set.appendTo(tablename) //append the records in the set to tablename set.prependTo(tablename) //prepend the records in the set to tablename set.insertInto(tablename, index);

/******************** ** MUTATION EVENTS *******************/

Mutation events (received from db.bind, see above) have the following properties type: one of the mutation types (append, prepend, insert, update, or remove) index: an array of modified indexes for insert update and remove events data: an array of objects being inserted for append, prepend and insert events