
jQuery Support for using SaaSPulse



A jQuery plugin that makes instrumenting your web application with Totango metrics easy. Totango uses a 4-tuple to identify each event:

[ activity, module, organization, user ]

jQuery-Totango will automatically track clicks and form submissions on any element that has data attributes for all four pieces of information. To reduce redundancy and make implementation easier, it will also search up the DOM tree to fill in missing pieces of information.


Include Totango's SDR library:

<script src="//s3.amazonaws.com/totango-cdn/sdr.js"></script>

Initialize the Totango tracker:

jQuery(function() {
  try {
    var tracker = new __sdr(...);
  } catch (err) {
    var tracker = {
      track:    function() {},
      identify: function() {}

Include jQuery-Totango:

<script src='/javascripts/jquery-totango-0.1.js' defer></script>



To instrument tracking on only one element on a page, add four data attributes to that element and apply instrumentTracking to it:

<a href='#/foo/bar'
   data-totango-user='Chloe'>Bar my Foo</a>

// whenever the <a> is clicked, the Totango SDR tracker is
// called with ('bar', 'foo', 'Example.org', 'Chloe')

Reducing Duplication

In most applications, you'll want to instrument more than one element on a page and elements will share tracking properties -- particularly organization and user. In those cases, you can use the DOM tree's inherent structure to reduce duplication:

<body data-totango-organization='Example.org'
  <section data-totango-module='foo'>
    <form action='#/foo/bar' id='foo_bar' data-totango-activity='bar'>
      <input type='submit' value='Bar my Foo' />
  <aside data-totango-module='sidebar'>
    <a href='#/baz' id='sidebar_baz' data-totango-activity='baz'>Baz</a>

// Whenever the <form> is submitted, the Totango SDR tracker is
// called with ('bar', 'foo', 'Example.org', 'Chloe').
// Whenever the <a> is clicked, it is called with
// ('baz', 'sidebar', 'Example.org', 'Chloe').
$('#foo_bar, #sidebar_baz').instrumentTracking();

Less-Specific Selectors

If you call instrumentTracking() on elements that don't have all four data attributes (either themselves or inherited from parents), no call will be made to Totango. Nonetheless, it is suggested that you be as specific as possible since the search up the DOM tree can become expensive when run on every single click on a page.

Manually Tracking an Activity

You may want to track an event other than a click or form submit. If so, you can call trackEvent on an element, which will send a single tracking call to the SDR library. You can override the activity, module, organization, or user that would be fetched from data attributes by passing an Object hash with them to the trackEvent call.

For example, say you want to track every time somebody fails to fill in a field on your sign-in form:

<body data-totango-organization='Example.org'
  <form class='sign_in' data-totango-module='Sign-In'>

$('form.sign_in input').blur(function() {
  if ($(this).val() === '') {
    $(this).trackEvent({ activity: 'skip-required' });

Custom Tracker Object

By default, the plugin uses the global tracker object, as described by the Totango documentation. If you have namespaced your tracker, simply pass it to the instrumentTracking call:

MyApp.totangoTracker = ...


or, when manually tracking an activity, pass it as the tracker option in the options hash:

$(this).trackEvent({ tracker: MyApp.totangoTracker, activity: 'ignore' });