
My personal starting point for JavaScript projects


JavaScript Project Starter

My personal starting point for JavaScript projects

This project provides a bootstrap for:

  • Authoring in ES6
  • Running tests (written in Mocha)
  • Browser dev tool support
  • A build process
  • Versioned releases

Getting started

Here's a handy snippet you can add to your .bash_profile to create new tools easily:

function new_js_project() {
  if [ -z "$1" ];
    "Must specify a project name as the first argument"
    git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/jeremyckahn/js-project-starter.git "$1"
    cd "$1" || exit 1
    rm -rf .git
    find . -type f -exec sed -i "" "s/js-project-starter/$1/g" {} \;
    git init
    git add --all
    git commit -m "Initial commit"
    npm install

Authoring in ES6

Painlessly write your code as beautiful ES6! Thanks to Webpack, all of your code will be compiled down to more compatible ES5 syntax that can be easily used by downstream projects.

Running tests (written in Mocha)

Code should be tested! Mocha is a perennial test framework among JavaScript developers, so this project uses that.

# run tests in the CLI
npm test
# run tests in the CLI with a watcher that will re-run tests
# when you make a code change
npm run test:watch

You can also run the test suite in browsers via Karma. Only Chrome and Firefox are configured by default because other browsers are a little hard to get to run consistently. Running the tests in IE are supported and known to work, but are disabled by default. Please see the note in karma.conf.js in the browsers section if you would like instructions on how to run the tests in IE.

npm run test:browsers


This project configures Webpack to generate source maps so you can use your browser's dev tools to debug your ES6 code just as easily as you would with ES5.

# run the tests in your browser
npm start

From here, you can fire up your browser's dev tools and set breakpoints, step through code, etc. You can run the app at http://localhost:9123, or run the tests at http://localhost:9123/test.html.

A build process

All projects need a build process, and this project leverages Webpack for that as well.

npm run build

Your compiled code will wind up in the dist directory.


You should make sure to update the JSDoc annotations as you work. To view the formatted documentation in your browser:

npm run doc
npm run doc:view

This will generate the docs and run them in your browser. If you would like this to update automatically as you work, run this task:

npm run doc:live

Versioned releases

npm makes it super easy to make versioned releases! This project is set up to run tests before making a release, which helps prevent you from releasing new versions with bugs. This happens automatically thanks to the npm version scripts.

npm version patch # Or "minor," or "major"

This will also use the gh-pages utility to deploy your versioned project with GitHub Pages.
