
p2p anarchist real-time communication protocol using append-only logs



p2p anarchist real-time communication protocol using append-only logs

  • p2p: uses kappa-core for distributed
    data storage and replication; finds & replicates to peers on the local network
    and online
  • anarchist: messages are not rigidly formatted, and anyone can add new message
    types or write clients that support them; no central or otherwise authorities
  • real-time: using hypercore for very
    fast replication over arbitrary data channels (websockets, webrtc, bluetooth,

If you know what scuttlebutt is, this is like a cheap fast real-time version for exchanging data.


var chatdb = require('kappa-chat')

var db = chatdb('./db')

var msg = {
  key: 'hexkeyofauthor',
  seq: 14,
  value: {
    type: 'chat/text',
    nick: 'noffle',
    text: 'hello p2p world'
db.on('message', function (msg) {
  var content = msg.value
  if (content.type !== 'chat/text') return
  var nick = content.nick || 'anomymous'
  console.log(nick + '> ' + content.text)

  type: 'chat/text',
  nick: 'foobar',
  channel: '#testing',
  text: 'hack the planet'


foobar> hack the planet


var chatdb = require('kappa-chat')

var db = chatdb(storage)

Create a new chat database. storage is either a string (location on local disk to store the db) or an instance of random-access-storage.

db.publish(msg[, cb])

Publish a message. Messages can be structured any way you want. You and your community can decide what works best for you, or you can discuss between multiple collectives to agree upon common formats that serve you well.

A common type field can be useful for readily identifying the data. Here's an example for an IRC-like textual chat message:

  type: 'chat/text',
  nick: 'noffle',
  text: 'hello p2p world',
  timestamp: 1526236798000

db.on('entry', function (entry) { ... })

When a new p2p log entry is received, this event is emitted. An entry has the format

  key: 'hexkeyofauthor',
  seq: 14,
  value: {  // message
    type: 'chat/text',
    nick: 'noffle',
    channel: '#testing',
    text: 'hello p2p world'

key is the message author's public cryto key as a hexidecimal string, and seq is the sequence number of the entry in their append-only log.

var rs = db.createReadStream([opts])


Message Type Ideas

A common type field can be useful for readily identifying the data. Here's an example for an IRC-like textual chat message:

  type: 'chat/text',
  nick: 'noffle',
  text: 'hello p2p world',
  timestamp: 1526236798000


With npm installed, run

$ npm install kappa-chat
