
Fast sorting library to parse and sort large amount of data from a file.

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Fast sorting library that parses, sorts and serializes the content of large files using external merge sort for NodeJS.Currently there are two functions sortFile() to sort the file content of large files and sortStream() to generically sort Stream.

I've also enable the case of multi sorted stream merging exposing the internal merge() which takes a list of filenames or Readable streams. Or the specific functions mergeSortedFiles() that takes a filename list or mergeSortedStreams() which takes a list of Readables streams. I wanted to exposse this as I saw there are some folks that need it and I exposed a high performance version of an npm package similar to multi-sort-stream.

Additional planned features:

  • [DONE] Enable custom delimeters for the data via string or regex.
  • [DONE] Load the input from a ReadStream and output the sorted data into a WriteStream instead of file to file.
  • [exploring] - Create API to build the sort scenario based on a property/field name or an extract property function instead of a comparer function.
    • This is an area of exploration to see if there could be performance advantages utilizing number and string specific sorting algorithms instead of relying on the comparer.
  • [exploring] - I've been experimenting a bit using thread_workers to help sort during the split process and although I did saw great performance, it comes with the disadvange passing the comparer as serializable JSON which is not possible to pass a function so it will require some refactoring like I mentioned above where instead of providing the compareFn you need provide a property/field you would like to sort with. I think I'll borrow some inspiration from fast-sort which uses that similar builder approach to build the sorter before doing the actual sort but without the lambda capability when using thread_workers. I'll probably switch the logic depending if the caller provides a property or provides a function to either compare or resolve a property.

Jump to examples links

sortFile() examples

sortStream() examples

More examples


Install to your NodeJS project using npm.

npm install large-sort --save

Available functions


This method provides the necesary functionality that allows to parse line by line the input file deserializing from a string into an object or primitive that can be compared, sorted and serialized back into an output file. It sorts the data using an external merge sort algorithm which splits the file into multiple sorted temporary k-files and then merges each of the splited k-files into a single output file.

The size of the splitted files is controlled by the maximun number of lines per file (linesPerFile) parameter or if the memory reaches more than 1GB with a minumum of 1,000 lines whichever happens first.

Parameters of sortFile()

Name Description
TValue Type of the parsed value from the input file
inputFile File path of the file that contains data delimited by a the inputDelimeter to be sorted.
outputFile File path of the output sorted data delimited by the outputDelimeter.
inputMapFn Function that maps/parses/deserializes a delimited string from the input file into a TValue type. default: x => x
outputMapFn Function maps/serializes each TValue into a single line string for the output file. default: x => String(x)
compareFn Comparer function of TValue types to define the sorting order. default: (a, b) => a > b? 1 : -1
inputDelimeter String or Regex that delimits each input string before been mapped by the inputMapFunc function. default: '\n'
outputDelimeter String delimeter to separate each output string after been mapped to string using the outputMapFn function. default: '\n'
linesPerFile Max number of lines processed for each file split. It's recommended to keep the default value for performance.

Function definition of sortFile()

 * The `sortFile()` method sorts the content of an input file and writes the results into an output file.
 * It's designed to handled large files that would not fit into memory by using an external merge sort algorithm.
 * (see: {@link})
 * This method parses each line of the input file into {@link TValue} instances, sorts them and finally
 * serializes and writes these {@link TValue} instances into lines of the output file via the parameters
 * {@link inputMapFn}, {@link compareFn} and {@link outputMapFn} funtions respectively.
 * The sort order is determined by the {@link compareFn} which specifies the precedence of the {@link TValue} instances.
 * @examples
 * - increasing order sort compareFn: (a, b) => a > b? 1 : -1
 * - decreasing order sort compareFn: (a, b) => a < b? 1 : -1
 * Note:
 * It is recommended to don't specify the {@link linesPerFile} parameter to keep the default value of 100,000.
 * As `sortFile()` has been tested/benchmarked for the best sorting/io performance. It can be specified only 
 * for special scenarios to overcome `too many files` error when other options are not possible or to tune
 * performance for larger `TValue` instances or slow file IO 
 * When sorting tremendously large files the following error could occur:
 *  ---------------------------------------
 * | `Error: EMFILE, too many open files`  |
 *  ---------------------------------------
 * Which occurs when there input has been splited in more than ~1,024 files and all those files are opened during
 * the k-file merging process.
 * To overcome this the error you'll need to increase the maximum number of concurrent open stream/files limit by
 * using the `$ ulimit -n <max open files (default: 1024)>` command or update the `/etc/security/limit.conf` file.
 * If above is not possible then you could overcome it by specifying the {@link linesPerFile} parameter above 100,000
 * which could result less split files to merge.
 * @template TValue                         - Specifies type of a parsed instance to sort from the input file.
 * @param {string}          inputFile       - Location of the input file to sort with data delimited by the
 *                                            {@link inputDelimeter}.
 * @param {string}          outputFile      - Location of output file to write the sorted data delimited by the
 *                                            {@link outputDelimeter}.
 * @param {Function}        inputMapFn      - Function that parses/deserializes an input file line `string` into a
 *                                            {@link TValue} instance.
 * @param {Function}        outputMapFn     - Function that serializes each {@link TValue} instance into a single
 *                                            line `string` of the ouput file.
 * @param {Function}        compareFn       - Function that compares {@link TValue} instances to determine their
 *                                            sort order.
 *                                            See: {@link}
 * @param {string | RegExp} inputDelimeter  - String or Regex that delimits each input string before been mapped
 *                                            using the {@link inputMapFn} function.
 * @param {string}          outputDelimeter - String delimeter to separate each output string after been mapped to
 *                                            string using the {@link outputMapFn} function.
 * @param {number}          linesPerFile    - Maximum number of lines per temporary split file. Keep default value 
 *                                            of 100K.
 * @return {Promise<void>}                  - Promise that once resolved the output sorted file has been completely 
 *                                            created and the temporary files has been cleaned up.
export async function sortFile<TValue>(
    inputFile: string,
    outputFile: string,
    inputMapFn: (x: string) => TValue = x => x as TValue,
    outputMapFn: (x:TValue) => string = x => String(x),
    compareFn: (a:TValue, b:TValue) => number = (a, b) => a > b? 1 : -1,
    inputDelimeter: string | RegExp = '\n',
    outputDelimeter: string = '\n',
    linesPerFile: number = 100_000): Promise<void>

Usage example of sortFile()

Sorting numbers

Here is an example that explain each of the parameters and how to use it to sort a file with Numbers and outputs the numbers as strings.

// Function that tansforms a line from input file into a number to use for comparison.
const inputMapFunction = (input: string) => Number(input);

// Function that tansform a parsed number back into string as a line for the output file.
const outputMapFuncton = (output: number) => output.toString();

 // Function that compares two numbers to define their sort order.
 let compareFunction = (a: number, b: number) => a > b? 1 : -1;

 // Sorts the lines of the file "input_file.txt" as numbers and outputs it to the "out_sorted_file.txt" file
 await sortFile<number>(

// OR for the ones that like oneliners-ish
await sortFile<number>(
    (x) => Number(input),
    (output) => String(output),
    (a, b) => a > b? 1 : -1));


This method provides the necesary functionality that allows read and parse data from a stream given the provided delimeter. It deserializes from the input string into an object or primitive that can be compared, sorted and serialized back into to write into the output stream. It sorts the data using an external merge sort algorithm which splits the file into multiple sorted temporary k-files and then merges each of the splited k-files into the output stream.

The size of the splitted files is controlled by the maximun number of lines per file (linesPerFile) parameter or if the memory reaches more than 1GB with a minumum of 1,000 lines whichever happens first.

Note: It is recommended to use the sortFile() method when sorting files as it is quite efficient and tunned to perform at it's best.

Parameters of sortStream()

Name Description
TValue Type of the parsed value by the inputMapFn function
inputStream Stream contains the input data delimited by the inputDelimeter.
outputStream File path of the output sorted data delimited by a newline "\n".
inputMapFn Function that maps/parses/deserializes a delimited string from the input file into a TValue type. default: x => x
outputMapFn Function maps/serializes each TValue into a single line string for the output file. default: x => String(x)
compareFn Comparer function of TValue types to define the sorting order. default: (a, b) => a > b? 1 : -1
inputDelimeter String or Regex that delimits each input string before been mapped by the inputMapFunc function. default: '\n'
outputDelimeter String delimeter to separate each output string after been mapped to string using the outputMapFn function. default: '\n'
linesPerFile Max number of lines processed for each file split. It's recommended to keep the default value for performance.

Function definition of sortStream()

 * The `sortStream()` method sorts the content from an input Readable stream and writes the results into an 
 * output Writable stream.
 * It's designed to handled large files that would not fit into memory by using an external merge sort algorithm.
 * (see: {@link})
 * This method parses each line of the input file into {@link TValue} instances, sorts them and finally
 * serializes and writes these {@link TValue} instances into lines of the output file via the parameters
 * {@link inputMapFn}, {@link compareFn} and {@link outputMapFn} funtions respectively.
 * The sort order is determined by the {@link compareFn} which specifies the precedence of the {@link TValue} instances.
 * @examples
 * - increasing order sort compareFn: (a, b) => a > b? 1 : -1
 * - decreasing order sort compareFn: (a, b) => a < b? 1 : -1
 * Note:
 * It is recommended to don't specify the {@link linesPerFile} parameter to keep the default value of 100,000.
 * As `sortStream()` has been tested/benchmarked for the best sorting/io performance. It can be specified only 
 * for special scenarios to overcome `too many files` error when other options are not possible or to tune
 * performance for larger `TValue` instances or slow file IO 
 * When sorting tremendously large files the following error could occur:
 *  ---------------------------------------
 * | `Error: EMFILE, too many open files`  |
 *  ---------------------------------------
 * Which occurs when there input has been splited in more than ~1,024 files and all those files are opened during
 * the k-file merging process.
 * To overcome this the error you'll need to increase the maximum number of concurrent open stream/files limit by
 * using the `$ ulimit -n <max open files (default: 1024)>` command or update the `/etc/security/limit.conf` file.
 * If above is not possible then you could overcome it by specifying the {@link linesPerFile} parameter above 100,000
 * which could result less split files to merge.
 * @template TValue                         - Specifies type of a parsed instance to sort from the input file.
 * @param {Readable}        inputStream     - Input stream to read the data from.
 * @param {Writable}        outputStream    - Writeable stream to output the data.
 * @param {Function}        inputMapFn      - Function that parses/deserializes an input file line `string` into a
 *                                            {@link TValue} instance.
 * @param {Function}        outputMapFn     - Function that serializes each {@link TValue} instance into a single
 *                                            line `string` of the ouput file.
 * @param {Function}        compareFn       - Function that compares {@link TValue} instances to determine their
 *                                            sort order.
 *                                            See: {@link}
 * @param {string | RegExp} inputDelimeter  - String or Regex that delimits each input string before been mapped
 *                                            using the {@link inputMapFn} function.
 * @param {string}          outputDelimeter - String delimeter to separate each output string after been mapped to
 *                                            string using the {@link outputMapFn}.
 * @param {number}          linesPerFile    - Maximum number of lines per temporary split file. Keep default value 
 *                                            of 100K.
 * @return {Promise<void>}                  - Promise that once resolved the output sorted stream has been completely 
 *                                            created and temporary files had been cleaned up.
export async function sortStream<TValue>(
    inputStream: Readable,
    outputStream: Writable,
    inputMapFn: (x: string) => TValue = x => x as TValue,
    outputMapFn: (x:TValue) => string = x => String(x),
    compareFn: (a:TValue, b:TValue) => number = (a, b) => a > b? 1 : -1,
    inputDelimeter: string | RegExp = '\n',
    outputDelimeter: string = '\n',
    linesPerFile: number = 100_000): Promise<void>

Usage example of sortStream()

Similar to the sortFile() method, sortStream() it offers the same capabilities with the nuance of you'll be using Streams instead of files. But keep in mind if you want to do file to file sorting it's best to use the sortFile() function instead of creating the streams yourself.

Bellow is an example showing how to use it.

Example: Sorting numbers file and output to terminal

Here is an example that explain each of the parameters and how to use it to sort a file with Numbers and outputs the numbers as strings to the terminal.

// Function that tansforms a line from input file into a number to use for comparison.
const inputMapFunction = (input: string) => Number(input);

// Function that tansform a parsed number back into string as a line for the output file.
const outputMapFuncton = (output: number) => output.toString();

 // Function that compares two numbers to define their sort order.
 const compareFunction = (a: number, b: number) => a > b? 1 : -1;

// Readable from array;
const inputStream = Readable.from('5\n10\n15');

// Output stream to the terminal
const outputStream = process.stdout;

// Sort the lines of the inputStream (file "input_file.txt") as numbers and outputs the results to the outputStream (terminal sdtout)
await sortStream<number>(

 // OR for those who prefer the oneliners/ish
await sortStream<number>(
        Readable.from('5\n10\n15'),                 // Input stream
        process.stdout,                             // Output stream
        (input: string) => Number(input),           // Input map/parsing/deserializing function
        (output: number) => String(output),         // Output map/toString/serializing function
        (a: number, b: number) => a > b? 1 : -1);   // Compare function


Merge function that takes either a list of sorted files or sorted Readable streams and outputs to a Writeable output stream.

Parameters of merge()

Name Description
TValue Type of the parsed value by the inputMapFn function
inputs List of filenames or streams with sorted data to merge.
inputMapFn Function that maps/parses/deserializes a delimited string from the input file into a TValue type. default: x => x
outputMapFn Function maps/serializes each TValue into a single line string for the output file. default: x => String(x)
compareFn Comparer function of TValue types to define the sorting order. default: (a, b) => a > b? 1 : -1
outputDelimeter String delimeter to separate each output string after been mapped to string using the outputMapFn function. default: '\n'

Function definition of merge()

 * Merges multiple sorted files or sorted Readable streams with data separated by a new line into an output 
 * Writeable stream.
 * @param {Readable[] | string[]}   inputs          - List of filenames or Readable streams to merge
 * @param {Writable}                outputStream    - Writeable stream to output the data.
 * @param {Function}                inputMapFn      - Function that parses/deserializes an input file line `string` into a
 *                                                    {@link TValue} instance.
 * @param {Function}                outputMapFn     - Function that serializes each {@link TValue} instance into a single
 *                                                    line `string` of the ouput file.
 * @param {Function}                compareFn       - Function that compares {@link TValue} instances to determine their
 *                                                    sort order.
 *                                                    See: {@link}
 * @param {string}                  outputDelimeter - String delimeter to separate each output string after been mapped to
export async function merge<TValue>(
    inputs: Readable[] | string[],
    outputStream: Writable,
    inputMapFn: (x: string) => TValue = x => x as TValue,
    outputMapFn: (x:TValue) => string = x => String(x),
    compareFn: (a:TValue, b:TValue) => number = (a, b) => a > b? 1 : -1,
    outputDelimeter: string = '\n'): Promise<void>


Merge function that takes a list of sorted files and outputs to a Writeable output stream.

Parameters of mergeSortedFiles()

Name Description
TValue Type of the parsed value by the inputMapFn function
files List of filenames with sorted data to merge.
inputMapFn Function that maps/parses/deserializes a delimited string from the input file into a TValue type. default: x => x
outputMapFn Function maps/serializes each TValue into a single line string for the output file. default: x => String(x)
compareFn Comparer function of TValue types to define the sorting order. default: (a, b) => a > b? 1 : -1
outputDelimeter String delimeter to separate each output string after been mapped to string using the outputMapFn function. default: '\n'

Function definition of mergeSortedFiles()

 * Merges multiple sorted files with data separated by a new line into an output Writeable stream.
 * @template TValue                         - Specifies type of a parsed instance to sort from the input file.
 * @param {string[]}        files           - List of filenames to merge
 * @param {Writable}        outputStream    - Writeable stream to output the data.
 * @param {Function}        inputMapFn      - Function that parses/deserializes an input file line `string` into a
 *                                            {@link TValue} instance.
 * @param {Function}        outputMapFn     - Function that serializes each {@link TValue} instance into a single
 *                                            line `string` of the ouput file.
 * @param {Function}        compareFn       - Function that compares {@link TValue} instances to determine their
 *                                            sort order.
 *                                            See: {@link}
 * @param {string | RegExp} inputDelimeter  - String or Regex that delimits each input string before been mapped
 *                                            using the {@link inputMapFn} function.
 * @param {string}          outputDelimeter - String delimeter to separate each output string after been mapped to
export async function mergeSortedFiles<TValue>(
    files: string[],
    outputStream: Writable,
    inputMapFn: (x: string) => TValue,
    outputMapFn: (x:TValue) => string,
    compareFn: (a:TValue, b:TValue) => number,
    outputDelimeter: string): Promise<void>


Merge function that takes a list sorted Readable streams and outputs to a Writeable output stream.

Parameters of mergeSortedFiles()

Name Description
TValue Type of the parsed value by the inputMapFn function
streams List of `Readable streams with sorted data to merge.
inputMapFn Function that maps/parses/deserializes a delimited string from the input file into a TValue type. default: x => x
outputMapFn Function maps/serializes each TValue into a single line string for the output file. default: x => String(x)
compareFn Comparer function of TValue types to define the sorting order. default: (a, b) => a > b? 1 : -1
outputDelimeter String delimeter to separate each output string after been mapped to string using the outputMapFn function. default: '\n'

Function definition of mergeSortedStreams()

 * Merges multiple sorted streams with data separated by a new line into an output Writeable stream.
 * @template TValue                         - Specifies type of a parsed instance to sort from the input file.
 * @param {Readable[]}      streams         - List of streams to merge
 * @param {Writable}        outputStream    - Writeable stream to output the sorted data.
 * @param {Function}        inputMapFn      - Function that parses/deserializes an input file line `string` into a
 *                                            {@link TValue} instance.
 * @param {Function}        outputMapFn     - Function that serializes each {@link TValue} instance into a single
 *                                            line `string` of the ouput file.
 * @param {Function}        compareFn       - Function that compares {@link TValue} instances to determine their
 *                                            sort order.
 *                                            See: {@link}
 * @param {string}          outputDelimeter - String delimeter to separate each output string after been mapped to
export async function mergeSortedStreams<TValue>(
    streams: Readable[],
    outputStream: Writable,
    inputMapFn: (x: string) => TValue,
    outputMapFn: (x:TValue) => string,
    compareFn: (a:TValue, b:TValue) => number,
    outputDelimeter: string): Promise<void>

Additional sort examples

Here are examples showing the scenarios where this would be useful.

Sort CSV file by the second column

This example shows how to sort a csv file based on the value of the second column by parsing the csv into an array, sorting the array based on the second column and writting the array back into the csv format.

// Function that transforms the input csv row into an array with the values.
function parseCsv(inputLine: string): string[] {
   let array = inputLine.split(',');
   return array;

// Function to transforms the csv value array into a csv row `string` line for output.
function outputCsv(array: string[]): string {
   let outputLine = array.join(',');
   return outputLine;

// Sorts the file base on the second column of the csv file
await sortFile<string[]>(
   'input.csv',                    // inputFile    - input csv file
   'sorted_output.csv',            // outputFile   - sorted output csv file
   parseCsv,                       // inputMapFn   - maps the input csv row into an array of column values
   outputCsv,                      // outputMapFn  - maps the array of values into a csv row to output
   (a, b) => a[1] > b[1]? 1 : -1); // compareFn    - compares the second column to sort in ascending order

Sort CSV input and outputs lines of JSON

This example shows how to sort a csv file based on the value of the second column and output parsed JSON. Does this parsing the csv into an object with fiels col1 and col2, sorts these objects by the col2 field and writes the object to a output lines as JSON.

// Function that transforms the input csv row into an object.
function parseCsv(inputLine: string): {col1: string, col2: string} {
   let array = inputLine.split(',');
   return {
       col1: array[0],
       col2: array[1]

// Function that transform the parsed object into a JSON string
function outputJSON(obj: {col1: string, col2: string}): string {
   let ouputLine = JSON.stringify(obj);
   return outputLine;

// Sorts the file base on the second column of the csv file
await sortFile<{col1: string, col2: string}>(
   'input.csv',                        // inputFile    - input csv file
   'sorted_output.txt',                // outputFile   - sorted output csv file
   parseCsv,                           // inputMapFn   - maps the input line `string` to an object
   outputJSON,                         // outputMapFn  - maps the object into a json string [JSON.stringify]
   (a, b) => a.col2 < b.col2? 1 : -1); // compareFn    - compare the field col2 to sort in descending order

Sort CSV by the combination of two columns

This example shows how to sort a csv file based on the value columns 1 and column2 by parsing the csv into an object containing a field sortBy and the array of values, sorts the objects by the sortBy field and writes the array of values into the csv format.

Note: The computation of the data to sort by is done ahead of time once during the input parsing in the parseCsv() call instead of on each comparison compareFn call for performance reasons.

// Function that transforms the input csv row into an object with a `sortBy` field 
function parseCsv(inputLine: string): {sortBy: string, array: string[]} {
   let array = inputLine.split(',');
   // Generating the sort by value ahead of time once instead of on comparison `compareFn` call.
   return {
       sortBy: array[0] + array[1] 
       array: array

// Function that transform the object into a json string
function outputCSV(obj: {sortBy: string, array: string[]}): string {
   let ouputLine = obj.array.join(',');
   return outputLine;

// Sorts the file based on the combination of columns 1 and 2 from the csv file
await sortFile<{sortBy: string, array: string[]}>(
   'input.csv',                            // inputFile    - input csv file
   'sorted_output.txt',                    // outputFile   - sorted output csv file
   parseCsv,                               // inputMapFn   - maps the input line `string` to an object
   outputJSON,                             // outputMapFn  - maps the object into a csv row line to ouput
   (a, b) => a.sortBy > b.sortBy? 1 : -1); // compareFn    - compares using `sortBy` field to sort in ascending order

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