
📚 Personal JavaScript learning notes using the complete JavaScript course 2022: From zero to expert by Jonas Schmedtman

MIT License



  • The Complete JavaScript Udemy Course 2022: From Zero to Expert
  • GitHub Repository

Fundamentals Part One🔸

1. Introduction

2. How to link JavaScript file

3. Values and Variables

4. Data Types

5. Let, Const, Var

6. Operators

7. Operator Precedence

8. Coding Challenge One 🎉

9. String & Template Literals

10. Taking Decisions (If/Else)

11. Coding Challenge Two 🎉

12. Type Conversion & Coercion

13. Truthy & Falsy Values

14. Equality Operator

15. Boolean Logic

16. Logical Operators

17. Coding Challenge Three 🎉

18. Switch Statement

19. Statements & Expressions

20. Conditional (Ternary) Operator

21. Coding Challenge Four 🎉

22. JavaScript Releases (ES5, ES6+ and ESNext)

Fundamentals Part 2🔸

Welcome to JavaScript Fundamentals part two.

01. Strict Mode

02. Functions

03. Function Declaration vs Expressions

04. Arrow Function

05. Function Calling other Functions

06. Reviewing Functions

07. Coding Challenge Five 🎉

08. Introduction to Arrays

09. Array Methods

10. Coding Challenge Six 🎉

11. Introduction to Objects

12. Dots and Brackets Notations

13. Object Methods

14. Coding Challenge Seven 🎉

15. Iteraton the For Loop

16. Looping Arrays, Breaking & Continuing

17. Looping Backwards and Loops in Loops

18. While Loop

14. Coding Challenge Eight 🎉

Developer Skills🔸

Guess My Number Game🔸


Building a Pig Game 🐷

How JavaScript works behind the scenes

Data Structure, Modern Operators and Strings

A Closer Look at Functions

Working with Arrays

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