
Flux implementation that runs together with FRP/Observable libraries.

MIT License



Flux implementation that runs together with FRP libraries. Observable is awesome!

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Recommend for use browserify, or other CommonJS/ES6 modules resolver.

Use browserify

To install the loxe by NPM.

npm install --save loxe
// CommonJS
var Loxe = require('loxe');

// ES6 modules (babel)
import Loxe from 'loxe';
# Loxe depends on React. If you want to separate `react` as other bundle.
browserify index.js -x react -o bundle.js
browserify -r react -o libs.js

Use <script src="loxe.js">

loxe.js built with browserify-shim. To run the Loxe window.React is required.

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/0.13.3/react.js"></script>
<script src="loxe.js"></script>


Flux comparison example

Minimal Example

Domain that manages the Store and Action. Each feature of Flux provides to Component, using the Context feature of the React.

Loxe uses javascript-decorators for the component. TypeScript or Babel with --stage 1 option, use recommended. (As a function Root = provideContext(Root); you might also use)

import { Domain, Store, Action, Subject } from 'loxe';

class AppDomain extends Domain {
  getObservables() {
    // Object returns that will provide to components, through `@provideObservables`.
    return {
      items$ : this.getStore(AppStore).items$,
      count$ : this.getStore(AppStore).items$.map(a => a.length)

class AppAction extends Action {
  addItem(item) {
    // `.publish()` is like a dispatch of the Flux.
    // By event name published here, you can subscribe from the Store. 
    this.publish('ADD_ITEM', item);

class AppStore extends Store {
  constructor() {

    // init data storage property
    this._items = [];

    // create Observable that keep latest value. (like `Rx.BehaviorSubject`)
    this.items$ = Subject.property(this._items);

    // `.plugStream$` is Observable, and `{event: string, payload: any}`
    // will be published from the `Action` will be aggregated.
    // `.subscribeEvent(event, observer)` subscribe to Observable
    // that from plugStream filtered by events.
    this.subscribeEvent('ADD_ITEM', (item) => {

// Becoming a root Component, `@provideContext` Decorator is required.
// It connects components Tree Root and Flux.
class Root extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <Child />;

// @provideAction: Inject Action instance to the component props.
// @provideObservables: Value of the Observable will be provided
//                      from the domain mapped to the props.
@provideObservables(observables => ({
  items : observables.items$
class Child extends React.Component {
  addItem() {
    this.props.AppAction.addItems({data: Date.now()});
  render() {
    return (
        <button onClick={this.addItem.bind(this)}>add item</button>
          {this.props.items.map(item => <li>{item.data}</li>)}

const appDomain = new AppDomain();
appDomain.registerAction(new AppAction());
appDomain.registerStore(new AppStore());
appDomain.mountRootComponent(Root, document.getElementById('app'));

Choose FRP library

At first, you MUST sets the FRP (Functional Reactive Programming) library, used internally by the Subject.

import Rx from 'rx-lite';
import rxCombineTemplate from 'rx.observable.combinetemplate';
import { Subject } from 'loxe';

Subject.setBuilder(new Subject.RxBuilder(Rx));

Supported Reactive-Extensions/RxJS and rpominov/kefir.

import Kefir from 'kefir';
import kefirCombineTemplate from 'kefir.combinetemplate';
import { Subject } from 'loxe';

Subject.setBuilder(new Subject.KefirBuilder(Kefir));

This is a transitional period for the future within fixed on either side.

API Reference


Is the Action of the flux. Implements the API from component to use imperative.

eventStream$: Subject

All events will be published through this stream. During the initialization phase of the Domain, is connected with the Store#plugStream$.

publish(event: string, payload: any)

Publish event data. It's a this.eventStream$.next({event, payload}) an equivalent process.

do(event: string, payload: any)

Alias of publish().


Domain that manages the Store and Action. Each feature of Flux provides to Component, using the context of the React.

registerAction(action: Action)

Register Action instance.

registerStore(store: Store)

Register Store instance.

mountRootComponent(root: Component, container: Element)

Mount root component at node, and connect domain contexts as props. root Component should applied @provideContext decorator.

getObservables(): object

This method called '@provideObservables'. You need to maintain their own when returning this object is not cached, so consistently reuses.

getObservables() {
  if (!this.observables$) {
    this.observables$ = {
      items$ : this.getStore(Store).items$,
      count$ : this.getStore(Store).items$.map(a => a.length)
  return this.observables$;


Is the Store of the flux. Store some Observable publishes the Domain.

plugStream$: Subject

plugStream$ is Observable, and {event: string, payload: any} will be published from the Action will be aggregated.

Without subscribing to it directly, usually using either of the following methods.

getEvent(event: string): Observable

subscribe(target: Observable, callback: Function)

subscribeEvent(event: string, callback: Function)

These methods generate an Observable filtered in any event from the plugStream$ or, to subscribe to it. Look at the following example.

// example
constructor() {

  // You want to combine multiple events useful 'getEvent()'.
  let foo$ = this.getEvent('foo');
  let bar$ = this.getEvent('bar');
  this.subscribe(foo$.merge(bar$), v => console.log(v));

  // 'subscribeEvent()' useful if you only subscribe to one type of event.
  this.subscribeEvent('baz', v => console.log(v));


Creates an object with both Observable and Observer roles. That object behave like Rx.BehaviorSubject, Bacon.Bus, and Kefir.Bus(deprecated).

Objects that are generated by subject can be used on the function of next(). Useful when combining multiple event streams, controlling the UI.

componentWillMount() {
  this.clickStream$ = Subject.stream();
  this.clickStream$.subscribe(e => {
    console.log(e); // -> [SyntheticEvent]
render() {
  return <button onClick={this.clickStream$}>click me</button>;

Subject.setBuilder(builder: Rxbuilder|KefirBuilder)

Set instance of Subject.RxBuilder or Subject.KefirBuilder. Select FRP library you want to use.

Subject.setCombineTemplate(combineTemplate: Function)

Set function of rx.observable.combinetemplate or kefir.combinetemplate. Use when mapping the Observables to prop of the component.

Subject.stream(): Subject

To create standard Subject object. Value issued only after starting to subscribe.

let stream$ = Subject.stream();
stream$.subscribe(v => console.log(`Log: ${v}`));

// => Log: 200

Subject.property(): Subject

To create Subject object that keeps latest value. Latest value is issued immediately when started to subscribe.

let property$ = Subject.property();
property$.subscribe(v => console.log(`Log: ${v}`));

// => Log: 100
// => Log: 200

next(value: any)

A common interface with the subject. Notifies the subject of a new element in the sequence.

throw(error: Error)

A common interface with the subject. Notifies the subject that an error has occurred.


A common interface with the subject. Notifies the subject of the end of the sequence.


Providers are implemented as decorators. But also support to normally functional use.

// decorators
class MyComponent extends React.Component { }

// normally function
class MyComponent extends React.Component { }
MyComponent = provideXyz(MyComponent);


@provideContext provides getAction() and getObservables() from props.domain in the context of the React.Component.

These methods are used in the @provideAction or @provideObservables, component tree and Store and the Action is associated.

@provideActions(Actions: Action[])

Inject Action instance to the component props.

@provideActions([FooAction, BarAction])
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  doFoo() {
  doBar() {

@provideObservables(fn: (observables) => templateObj)

Value of the Observable will be provided from the Domain mapped to the this.props.

@provideObservables(observables => ({
  items    : observables.items$,
  count    : observables.items$.map(items => items.length),
  navigate : {
    current : observables.page$,
    prev    : observables.page$.map(v => v-1),
    next    : observables.page$.map(v => v+1)
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        {this.props.items.map(item => <li>{item.name}</li>)}
      <p>count: {this.props.count}</p>
      <p>current: {this.props.navigate.current}</p>
      <p>prev: {this.props.navigate.prev}</p>
      <p>next: {this.props.navigate.next}</p>


Components that use this Decorator is to control the adverse effects of global available props

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  static handleSideEffect(propsList) {
    let someOneVisible = propsList.some(props => props.isVisible);
    let htmlElement    = document.body.parentNode;
    if (someOneVisible) {
    } else {


npm install
npm test


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