
DEPRECATED - Meteor AutoForm Materialize templates

MIT License


Meteor Autoform Materialize templates

DEPRECATED - Adds materialize templates for autoform.

Important - I no longer use Meteor and won't be updating this project anymore. Please use which will be updated. Thanks to @mozfet for taking over this project.


  1. meteor add gildaspk:autoform-materialize
  2. In a client file (ex: /client/config/autoform.js)

You must add materialize CSS and JavaScript yourself. Some packages can help:

Usage and demo

You can checkout the playground which is running here.

Additional type


Materialize uses pickadate for date inputs.

You can apply it directly in your template:

{{> afFieldInput name='dateFieldName' type="pickadate"}}

You can also specify it at the schema level:

MySchema = new SimpleSchema({
  dateFieldName: {
    type: Date
    autoform: {

Choosing a Timezone

By default, the field's value will be a Date object representing the selected date and time in the browser's timezone (i.e., based on the user's computer time settings). In most cases, you probably want the Date object relative to some other timezone that you have previously stored. For example, if the form is setting the start date of an event, you want the date to be relative to the event venue's timezone. You can specify a different IANA timezone ID by adding a timezoneId attribute.

  date: {
    type: Date,
    autoform: {
      type: "pickadate",
      timezoneId: "America/New_York"


{{> afFieldInput name="typeTest" type="pickadate" timezoneId="America/New_York"}}

Automatic Type Conversions

This input type is intended to be used with type: Date schema keys, but it also works with other schema types. Here's a list:

  • Date: Value is stored as a Date object representing the selected date and time in the timezone you specified with the timezoneId attribute. By default, the timezone is that of the browser (i.e., the user's computer time settings).
  • String: Value is stored as a string representation of the selected date in ISO format, e.g., "2014-11-25T00:00:00".
  • Number: Value is stored as the result of calling getTime() on the Date object (representing the selected date and time in the timezone you specified).
  • Array: If the schema expects an array of Date or String or Number, the value is converted to a one-item array and stored.

To provide pickadate options, set a pickadateOptions attribute equal to a helper that returns the options object.


You an also use switches

At the template level:

{{> afFieldInput name='dateFieldName' type="switch"}}

At the schema level:

MySchema = new SimpleSchema({
  booleanFieldName: {
    type: Boolean
    autoform: {

You may specify the trueLabel or falseLabel options to customize the switch.

At the template level:

{{> afFieldInput name='dateFieldName' type="switch" trueLabel="Online" falseLabel="Offline"}}

At the schema level:

MySchema = new SimpleSchema({
  booleanFieldName: {
    type: Boolean
    autoform: {

If you need other values than boolean, you may specify the trueValue or falseValue options to customize the switch.

At the template level:

{{> afFieldInput name='dateFieldName' type="switch" trueValue="online" falseValue="offline"}}

At the schema level:

MySchema = new SimpleSchema({
  booleanFieldName: {
    type: Boolean
    autoform: {

Input with prepended icon

You can add icon to any field like this:

{{> afQuickField name='subject' icon='person'}}

For blank space in place of icon, just use "none":

{{> afQuickField name='subject' icon='none'}}

It also works for textarea:

{{> afQuickField name='message' type='textarea' icon='person'}}


Extra carets on selects

This happen when using materialize version 0.97.0. A fix has been released with version 0.97.1 but there are other issues.

You should use poetic:materialize-scss until those problems are corrected.


  • Gildas Garcia (@djhi)
  • Razvan Teslaru (@rteslaru)
  • Chun Yang (@Chun-Yang)


autoform-materialize is licensed under the MIT Licence, courtesy of marmelab.