

How to solve this challenge?

  1. Read the "Challenge description" below.
  2. Make changes to the challenge.js file.
  3. Commit your changes.
  4. Wait for the result of the "GitHub Classroom Workflow" action. If it is green - congratulations, you solved this challenge! If not - try again!
  5. You can watch an example of how to solve a challenge in the video linked in the theoretical lesson preceding this challenge.

Challenge description

Towers of Hanoi - Part 1

In this challenge, you need to move 2 disks from any starting peg to any goal peg.

You will be given two numbers (from 1 to 3) as input - the starting peg, and the goal peg. Write a function that calculates how to move 2 disks from the starting peg to the goal peg. Return a string with all the steps.

Output Format:

Add the peg to move from, an arrow "->", and the peg to move to. For example, to move from peg 1 to peg 3, print "1->3".


console.log(move(1, 3))
// => 1->2 1->3 2->3

console.log(move(2, 3))
// => 2->1 2->3 1->3

Get stuck and need some hint?

Check this link: https://gitlab.com/microverse/guides/coding_challenges/hints/blob/master/challenges/recursion/tower-of-hanoi-part-1.md


If you cannot see any auto-grading workflows on the Actions page, learn how to fix it in this repo.