
MagicMirror² module that periodically checks status of various items via JSON API call.

MIT License


Module: Check Status via JSON API Calls (MMM-JSONStatusChecker)

This is a module for MagicMirror.

MMM-JSONStatusChecker will periodically call a URL and display a "true / false" (or "connected / disconnected) status based on the results of a value in a JSON response from the API call.

Multiple instances of the module can be used to call different URLs/APIs using the same background helper. Each instance has it's own configuration and refresh time.


The AirVPN service provides an API which can be called to check service status and if a user is connected or not from an external source. This module was originally created to periodically verify that a NAS was still connected to the VPN.



  1. Navigate to your MagicMirror modules directory.
  2. Execute git clone
  3. Add the module to your MagicMirror's config.js file (see next section).

Using the Module

To use this module, add it to the modules array in the config/config.js file:

modules: [
        module: 'MMM-JSONStatusChecker',
        header: 'JSON Status',
        position: 'top_left',
        config: {
                // See Configuration Options below

Note: Multiple instances of this module can be added to the config and the node_helper.js will manage the multiple calls to various locations.

Configuration options

Option Description
name Required - The name for this instance of the module.This is used to allow multiple instances of the module with only one node_helper.
apiKey Optional Your API Key from the service to be used. Will be injected into the url provided.
urlApi Optional - The URL to call to get the connected status.To inject your API into the URL, add {{APIKEY}} into the URL where the API key goes.Example:{{APIKEY}}
updateInterval Optional - The interval in ms for updating the informationDefault: 60000ms (10 minutes)
keyToCheck Optional - The dot-separated path to the key in the JSON response that will be checked. The JSON Response will be recursively checked for the key.Default: user.connected
keyValue Optional - The value for which to check the keyToCheck. The module will evaluate if JSONResponse[keyToCheck] === keyValue to determine what status it should show.Default: true.
trueString,falseString Optional - The values to display if the keyValue is true or false, respectivelyDefault: "VPN Connected" and "VPN Disconnected"
icon Optional - The Font Awesome icon to use (omit the fa-).Default: plug. Set '' to not show an icon.
trueClass,falseClass Optional - The CSS classes to add if the keyValue is true or false, respectively.Default: None.
showTrueAlert Optional - Show an alert when the query returns a true value.Default: false (e.g. no alert is shown).
showFalseAlert Optional - Show an alert when the query returns a false value.Default: true (e.g. alert is shown).

Example Configuration - Check SABnzbd Status

module: "MMM-JSONStatusChecker",
position: "bottom_left", // This can be any of the regions.
header: "SABnzbd Download Status",
config: {
    // See 'Configuration options' for more information.
    name: "SABnzbd_status",
    updateInterval: 60000,
    apiKey: "<your api key>",
    urlApi: "http://<server>:<port>/sabnzbd/api?output=json&apikey={{APIKEY}}&mode=queue&limit=0",
    keyToCheck: "queue.status",
    keyValue: "Downloading",
    trueString: "Downloading",
    falseString: "Idle",
    icon: "download",
    trueClass: "small",
    falseClass: "dimmed small",
    showTrueAlert: false,
    showFalseAlert: false,
module: "MMM-JSONStatusChecker",
position: "bottom_left", // This can be any of the regions.
header: "SABnzbd History",
config: {
    // See 'Configuration options' for more information.
    name: "SABnzbd_history",
    updateInterval: 60000,
    apiKey: "<your api key>",
    urlApi: "http://<server>:<port>/sabnzbd/api?output=json&apikey={{APIKEY}}&mode=history&failed_only=1",
    keyToCheck: "history.noofslots",
    keyValue: 0,
    trueString: "All Downloads Succeeded",
    falseString: "Failed Downloads in History",
    icon: "history",
    trueClass: "dimmed small",
    falseClass: "small",
    showTrueAlert: false,
    showFalseAlert: true,

Screenshot for Above Example


MMM-JSONStatusChecker is licensed under the MIT License.