
A platform for movies/TV shows, where users can like, look at the details and comment on their favorite movie shows. Furthermore, users are able to see other detailed information such as imdb rating, duration, genres, duration, etc of the movies.

OTHER License


Table of Contents

Amazing Movies

A platform for movies/TV shows, where users can like, look at the details and comments on their favourite movie shows. Furthermore, users are able to see other detailed information such as imdb rating, duration of the shows, genres, language, etc of the movies.

Built With

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • JavaScript

  • APIs

Tech Stack

Describe the tech stack and include only the relevant sections that apply to your project.

Key Features

  • Popup Menu
  • Show likes
  • Shows and Sends comments to a server
  • Display movies and their details with API calls

Live Demo

Getting Started

  • npm install --> For uploading all the necessary packages.

  • npm start --> For running webpack in local server

  • npm run build --> Compiling src folder into dist folder with webpack

  • npm test --> For running jest tests

  • node scripts/1-createCommentsAPIEndpoint.js (Add "type" = "module" and run node.js files in scripts folder.)


In order to run this project you need:

  • GitHub flow
  • Gitflow
  • HTML and CSS
  • JAVASCRIPT (ES6/...)
  • Webpack
  • npm
  • node.js
  • Any code editer (vs code)


Clone this repository to your desired folder:

  • git clone


Install this project with:

  • npm install
  • Set up .env file for API credentials.


To run the project, execute the following command:

  • Add "type":"module" inside package.json and run scripts folder from 1 to 5 to set up API endpoints
  • Run npm start to run app in local server with webpack
  • Run npm run build to compile source codes into dist folder with webpack.

Run tests

  • Run npm test to run jest tests.


You can deploy this project using:

npm run deploy - Deploys using gh-pages


Mention all of the collaborators of this project.

Mert Kaya

Seko Dameh

Future Features

  • Improve user experience and interface design.
  • Add a filtering future with respect to movie genres.
  • Sort the movies with respect to their IMDB rating.
  • Add show more button so that users can see more movies in the front end.
  • Add comments edit check


Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Feel free to send a like to the project!


I would like to thank Microverse team for their efforts!


This project is MIT licensed.

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