TMDBMOVIES is a web application based on an external API. A homepage and a comments popup modal. It was developed using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.

OTHER License



Table of Contents


**[Javascript-capstone]**Welcome to the ultimate movie experience! Our movie website is the go-to destination for all cinephiles and film enthusiasts. The user-friendly interface allows you to easily browse through our library and select the movie of your choice. The detailed information provided on each movie page includes a description, voteaverage, release date, and movie popularity. But the real magic of our site is in the likes and comments section, where movie lovers from around the world come together to share their thoughts and opinions on their favorite films.

Here's a video of me giving a few description of the project.

Built With

Tech Stack

Key Features

  • An HTML File
  • A CSS File
  • A Javascript file
  • ES6
  • A modules file
  • An md file
  • Webpack
  • Jest testing

Live Demo

Live Demo Link

Getting Started


In order to run this project you need:

A Browser


Clone this repository to your desired folder:



Install this project with: A commandline interface e.g Gitbash


To run the project, execute the following command: npm install npm start

To run the project, execute the following command: Open the html file in the dist folder.


Oscar Deus

Ouail Laarabi

Future Features

In future features, I intend to include more pages such as:

  • Display different movies
  • Add a functionality that allows users to like and comment the movies
  • Display all saved movies in the collection on the page

Contributing Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page.


Give a if you like this project!


This project is MIT licensed.

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