
File Abstraction Layer

OTHER License


FABL - File Abstraction Layer

Install via npm

$ npm install --save fabl


Require it:

var File = require( 'fabl' )

Static methods on File

Creating a file:

// Synchronous
var file = File.create( '' )
// Sync, with mode
var file = File.create( '', 0666 )
// Async, with mode and callback (mode is optional)
var file = File.create( '', 0666, function( error ) {
  // ...

Checking existance of a file:

File.exists( 'schrö' )
File.exists( 'schrö', function( error, exists ) {
  // ...

Stat a file:

File.stat( 'schrö' )
File.stat( 'schrö', function( error, stats ) {
  // ...

Renaming a file:

// Rename and move are synonym
File.move( 'rain.txt', 'trash.txt' )
File.rename( '', 'trash.txt', function( error ) {
  // ...

Truncating/Allocating a file:

// Truncate and allocate are aliases,
// Size is optional, defaults to zero
File.truncate( 'trash.txt' )
File.allocate( 'random.mp3', 0x5000, function( error ) {
  // ...

Deleting a file:

// Delete and unlink are aliases
File.delete( 'trash.txt' )
File.unlink( 'trash.txt', function( error ) {
  // ...

Methods on an instance of File

Creating a file:

// Create an instance with a given path
var file = new File( '' )
// Sync create
file.create() // OR
file.create( function( error ) {
  // ...

Opening a file:

// Sync open, with defaults
// Flags default to 'r+', or previously used flags
// Mode defaults to whatever node defaults to (0666) // OR 'w' ) // OR 'rs+', 0700 ) // OR function( error, fd ) {
  // ...

Closing a file:

file.close( function( error ) {
  // ...

Deleting a file:

file.delete() // OR
file.delete( function( error ) {
  // ...

Renaming/Moving a file:

// Rename and Move are aliases
file.rename( '' )
file.move( '' )
file.rename( '', function( error ) {
  // ...

Truncating/Allocating a file:

// Truncate and Allocate are aliases as well
// Size is optional, defaults to zero
file.allocate( 265 * 1024 )
file.truncate( function( error ) {
  // ...

Stat'ing a file:

var stat = file.stat()
file.stat( function( error, stats ) {
  // ...

Reading from a file:

// Read a chunk synchronously
var data = offset, length )
// Offset can be omitted, and defaults to zero 3000, function( error, bytesRead, data ) {
  // ...
// Create a readable stream
var stream = file.readStream()
// With boundaries
var bound = file.readStream( start, end )
// And / or with options
var optstream = file.readStream( start, {
  highWaterMark: 0x2000

Writing to a file:

// Write data synchronously
var bytesWritten = file.write( 'NOOOOOOO!' )
// Add an offset (the length is determined by
// the bytelength of data (it's converted to a Buffer))
file.write( milk, 0xC0FFEE, function( error, bytesWritten, buffer ) {
  // ...
// Or create a writable stream, which has
// the same options as the readStream() above
var stream = file.writeStream()