
Welcome to Newbie Webdev Starter Pack, NWSP for short.


Newbie Webdev Starter Pack

Welcome to Newbie Webdev Starter Pack, NWSP for short. Needs somewhere to start? We got you covered!

This project comes with:

  • A bundler (parcel-bundler) to read all your code and prepare a package of files browsers can execute;
  • A development server (parcel-bundler) to prepare a local host server with hot-reloading so you don't have to keep reloading the page manually;
  • npm already configured with a deploy command: npm run deploy (powered by gh-pages);


This template project expects you already have installed on your system the following programs:

Getting started

To start, clone the project, enter the folder, run npm install and start the dev server and start coding at src!

git clone https://github.com/vhoyer/newbie-webdev-starter-pack
cd newbie-webdev-starter-pack
npm install
npm run dev

Also, I recommend you delete the .git folder that came with this template for you to start fresh your project. To do so, just run the following:

# this commands expect a linux environment
rm -rf .git
git init
git add -A
git commit -m ":tada: Initial commit"
REM this commands expect a windows environment
RMDIR /s /q .git
git init
git add -A
git commit -m ":tada: Initial commit"

All set to right modern JavaScript projects! Just start coding!